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  No Deal in EU, Microsoft Antitrust Case

Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 8:07 PM ET

Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) failed on Thursday to reach a deal with the European Commission, setting the stage for a landmark antitrust ruling next week that will brand the software giant an abusive monopolist. Full Coverage

Microsoft: Europe 'iPod Killer' Debut in 2nd Half of '04
Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 4:30 AM ET
The first handheld gadgets to play music and movies on Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT.O) "iPod killer" software will be available in Europe in the second half of 2004, the world's largest software company said on Thursday. Full Coverage

More Top Stories
• Novell Launches New Version of SuSe Linux (Reuters)
• IBM Says It Makes Breakthrough in Low Cost Circuits (Reuters)
• T-Mobile to Launch 3G in May (Reuters)

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Experts Want Warning Network for Internet
AP - Thu Mar 18, 8:33 PM ET
Computer security experts urged the Bush administration Thursday to set up a national early warning network and crisis center to monitor and respond to significant Internet attacks, suggestions aimed at staving off new federal regulations affecting the technology industry.
Internet Section
 Internet Report
Personal Technology
Experts Downplay Phatbot Danger
PC World - Thu Mar 18, 5:00 PM ET
Trojan horse is spreading via peer-to-peer networks.
Personal Tech. Section
 Wi-Fi Interoperability Problem on Rise
AP - Thu Mar 18, 8:33 PM ET
Increasing complexity and stronger security is making it harder for new wireless computer networking products to hook up with each other, an industry group promoting the technology said Thursday at the CeBIT tech fair. Full Coverage
Communications Section
Linux/Open Source
Novell Touts Latest SuSE Release
NewsFactor - Thu Mar 18, 4:01 PM ET
In previewing the forthcoming Linux OS from SuSE, Novell (Nasdaq: NOVL) touts it as the first commercial product based on the next-generation Linux 2.6 kernel, with support for both 32- and 64-bit computing platforms.
Linux/Open Source Section

EU, Microsoft Cannot Agree On Settlement

washingtonpost.com - 1 hour, 16 minutes ago

BERLIN, March 18 -- Antitrust talks between the European Union and Microsoft Corp. collapsed Thursday, making it likely the world's largest software company will be fined and ordered to make broader changes in its business practices than it agreed to under a settlement with the U.S. government.  

Software Section
3Com Posts Wider Loss on Lower Sales
AP - 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
3Com Corp., which makes voice and data networking products, reported a wider loss in its latest quarter due to a 21 percent decline in sales.
Enterprise Section
Alliance Defines New MAC For UWB Networks
TechWeb - Wed Mar 17,11:00 AM ET
An industry alliance has forged a new media-access controller for ultrawideband networks that proponents said will meet the myriad needs of the PC, consumer electronics and mobile markets.
Apple/Macintosh Section

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