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Subject: World
To: rungsun_kk@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:55:45 EST

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Yahoo! News   Tue, Feb 17, 2004
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A resident in the central New South Wales town of Dubbo sweeps up some of the thousands of locusts that have invaded the town in recent days, Tuesday, March 16, 2004. (AP Photo/Ivan MCdonnell, Daily Liberal)
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Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon speaks at the corner stone ceremony for a new sewage treatment ...
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India, Pakistan Agree Broadly on Talks Framework
Reuters - 49 minutes ago
Nuclear rivals India and Pakistan reached a "broad understanding" on a framework for peace talks Tuesday after two days of meetings in Islamabad. Full Coverage

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• Palestinian PM Denies He's Weighing Resignation (Reuters)
• Pakistan Arrests Pearl Murder Suspect, Colleague (Reuters)
• France Says It's Ready to Help Violence-Hit Haiti (Reuters)
• Iran Election Boycott Gains Nobel Laureate's Vote (Reuters)

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France Considers Peacekeepers for Haiti

AP - 21 minutes ago France is considering sending peacekeepers to calm strife-torn Haiti, a former colony, and already has some means to help in its nearby Caribbean territories, the foreign minister said Tuesday.
Europe Section
Middle East


Bombings Kill 3 Soldiers, Wound 6 in Iraq

AP - 35 minutes ago

Roadside bombs have claimed more American lives, killing three U.S. soldiers in separate attacks in Baghdad and Sunni Muslim areas to the north of the capital. At least six soldiers were injured in the attacks, one critically. Full Coverage

Middle East Section
Latin America/Caribbean
Haiti Leader Seeks Help to End Bloodshed
AP - 28 minutes ago

Ex-soldiers took Haiti's rebellion to the key central city of Hinche, torching the police station and freeing prisoners as

President Jean-Bertrand Aristide appealed for international help to end an 11-day-old uprising. Full Coverage

Latin America Section
Liberian Rebels Loot Rubber Plantation
AP - Tue Feb 17, 6:35 AM ET
Rebels in Liberia stormed and looted a rubber plantation in the southeast of the country and have begun selling off its assets, the plantation's manager said.
Africa Section
Rocket Launchers Found Near Japan Agency
AP - 10 minutes ago
Police investigating a disturbance outside Japan's Defense Agency on Tuesday found a pair of homemade rocket launchers that may have used been in a symbolic attack by leftist radicals. No injuries or damage were reported.
Asia Section
 AFP Asia
 AFP South Asia
 Reuters India
Harper to blast Liberal sponsorship scandal Tuesday in Toronto speech: aides
Canadian Press - Mon Feb 16,11:27 PM ET
TORONTO (CP) - A day after Conservative Party leadership hopeful Tony Clement lambasted the Liberals over the sponsorship scandal, rival Stephen Harper was expected to make his own attack in a speech in Toronto on Tuesday.
Canada Section
Riot Highlights Australia Race Problems
AP - Mon Feb 16,12:18 PM ET
A young Aborigine dies. His family and friends bitterly blame police, and within hours gasoline bombs and rocks rain down on a Sydney ghetto. Cars and a train station are torched.
Australia/Antarctica Section

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