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1.  "Sex" and the Movies?
E! Online - Wed Feb 18, 1:20 PM ET
Don't drain those Cosmos just yet, Sex and the City fans. The affair ain't over.
Sent: 1801 times

2.  Black Hole Seen Ripping Star Apart
AP - 19 minutes ago
Two space observatories have provided the first strong evidence of a supermassive black hole stretching, tearing apart and partially gobbling up a star flung into reach of its enormous gravity, astronomers said Wednesday.
Sent: 1684 times

3.  In Polls, Kerry, Edwards Both Lead Bush
AP - 1 hour, 18 minutes ago
Both John Kerry and John Edwards are ahead of President Bush by double digits when matched against him in hypothetical elections, says a poll released Wednesday.
Sent: 504 times

4. Bush Administration 'Distorts Science' -Report
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 4:57 PM ET
Top scientists and environmentalists on Wednesday accused the Bush administration of suppressing and distorting scientific findings that run counter to its own policies.
Sent: 404 times

5.  Bush Backs Off Forecast of 2.6M New Jobs
AP - 23 minutes ago
President Bush distanced himself Wednesday from White House predictions that the economy will add 2.6 million jobs this year, the second embarrassing economic retreat in a week and new fuel for Democratic criticism.
Sent: 264 times

6. National Debt Tops $7 Trillion
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 6:10 PM ET
The U.S. government's national debt -- the accumulation of past budget shortfalls -- totaled more than $7 trillion for the first time as of Tuesday, according to a Treasury Department report. Full Coverage
Sent: 263 times

7.  Mrs. Bush: Gay Marriage Shocking for Some
AP - Wed Feb 18, 5:22 PM ET
Laura Bush says gay marriages are "a very, very shocking issue" for some people, a subject that should be debated by Americans rather than settled by a Massachusetts court or the mayor of San Francisco.
Sent: 251 times

8. Experts: Executive Pay Still Out of Control
Reuters - Wed Feb 18,11:52 AM ET
Executive pay at U.S. companies is still out of control, with only the smallest glimmer of hope for improvement, corporate governance experts said on Wednesday.
Sent: 204 times

9.  Seniors Said More Likely to Be in Crashes
AP - 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
Drivers over 65 are more likely to get into crashes because of declining perception and motor skills, but the biggest risk is to themselves, not others on the highway, says a study based on nearly 4 million traffic accidents.
Sent: 178 times

10. U.S. Foodmakers Blame Wal-Mart for Stunted Prices
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 9:46 AM ET
Americans may have noticed that their grocery bills have remained fairly stable, but it may surprise supermarket shoppers to learn that they have retail giant Wal-Mart to thank for keeping a lid on prices.
Sent: 167 times

11. Rats on Menu as Bird Flu Leaves Fowl Aftertaste
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 9:25 AM ET
Bird flu may have decimated poultry businesses across Asia, but rat dealers have never had it so good.
Sent: 162 times

12.  Stuck With the Bill
washingtonpost.com - Wed Feb 18,12:20 PM ET
Wall Street may be busy celebrating the $41 billion marriage of Cingular Wireless LLC and AT&T Wireless, but did anyone remember to invite wireless telephone consumers to the reception?
Sent: 137 times

13. New Test Could Fine-Tune Antibiotic Use
AP - Wed Feb 18,12:05 PM ET
A blood test could help doctors determine whether antibiotics are needed for common respiratory infections and may reduce the over-prescribing that creates drug-resistant germs, new research suggests.
Sent: 106 times

14.  'Sex and the City' May Get Big-Screen Treatment
The four women who have spiced up Manhattan's singles scene for six seasons on "Sex and the City" may be headed to the big screen after their upcoming final romp on HBO, the network said on Wednesday.
Sent: 89 times

15.  Big Black Hole Rips Up Star, Then Eats the Crumbs
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 4:21 PM ET
A big black hole ripped apart a sun-like star, gobbled a bit of it and flung the rest out into the cosmic neighborhood in an act of celestial gluttony caught by two orbiting observatories, scientists said on Wednesday.
Sent: 82 times

16. Stored Bullets Explode in Wis. Oven
AP - 2 hours, 48 minutes ago
A man and his wife ducked behind a refrigerator when bullets began exploding in their oven, authorities say.
Sent: 79 times

17.  Army studies lessons of Iraq
USATODAY.com - Wed Feb 18, 9:47 AM ET
The U.S. invasion of Iraq may have rolled over Saddam Hussein's forces in a matter of weeks - but it could be a poor model for future fights, a draft of an Army study of the war warns.
Sent: 62 times

18.  Conan to Canada: J'apologize
E! Online - Wed Feb 18,10:30 AM ET
Conan O'Brien has surrendered to the French. Canadians, that is.
Sent: 60 times

19.  Corgan Blames Pumpkins' Demise on Guitarist Iha
Reuters - Wed Feb 18, 5:26 PM ET
More than three years after the Smashing Pumpkins played their farewell show, former frontman Billy Corgan has taken to his official Web site (http://www.billycorgan.com) to clear the air about the true reasons for the Chicago's band's split.
Sent: 58 times

20.  Paris Sex Tape Goes Wide
E! Online - Tue Feb 17, 6:35 PM ET
Paris Hilton's sex-tape partner wants to make two things perfectly clear: All those grainy bootlegged clips of him being serviced by the hotel heiress? Not his doing.
Sent: 57 times

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