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 Study: Many Species at Risk of Extinction

AP - 22 minutes ago

A steep decline in birds, butterflies and native plants in Britain supports the theory that humans are pushing the natural world into the Earth's sixth big extinction event and the future may see more and more animal species disappearing. Full Coverage  

 Astronauts Try to Save Hubble Telescope

AP - 2 hours, 8 minutes ago

They risked their lives for the Hubble Space Telescope and did so gladly. Now, many of the astronauts who worked on Hubble hundreds of miles above Earth are dismayed, bewildered or both by NASA's decision to pull the plug on the mighty observatory. Full Coverage

100-Foot Asteroid Passes Close by Earth

AP - 1 hour, 45 minutes ago

A 100-foot-diameter asteroid passed close but harmlessly by Earth on Thursday, astronomers said. Full Coverage 

Scientist Lauded After Gov't Fires Her

AP - 1 hour, 56 minutes ago

Elizabeth Blackburn's dramatic laboratory discovery made her a scientific superstar and launched a burgeoning cancer research field. Full Coverage

Study Confirms Transmission of Retrovirus

AP - 2 hours, 8 minutes ago

African ape hunters are being infected by the same class of viruses that causes AIDS, scientists say, raising fears of a possible epidemic of a new disease in the future.

Romania Reports River Pollution with Cyanide

Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 7:51 AM ET

Romania's Environment Ministry said on Thursday that toxic waste containing cyanide had spilled into a river in the northeast of the country and could pose health hazards and kill fish. Full Coverage

Pentagon Bankrolls Swedish Stem Cell Study

Reuters - Wed Mar 17, 9:05 AM ET

The Pentagon has granted $240,000 to a Swedish team for embryonic stem-cell research linked to Parkinson's disease, the researchers said on Wednesday, despite U.S. government limits on stem-cell research. Full Coverage

Space Tourism Firm Scouts Locations for Spaceport

Reuters - Tue Mar 16, 5:27 PM ET

A company that has sent paying tourists to the International Space Station said on Tuesday it was scouting locations for a spaceport to send travelers on suborbital flights.

Space Race Titan William Pickering Dead at 93

Reuters - Tue Mar 16, 9:16 PM ET

William H. Pickering, a central figure in the early U.S. space race who as director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory played a key role in launching America's first satellite into orbit, has died at age 93, NASA said on Tuesday.

GM Could Help Plants Adapt to CO2 Warming -Expert

Reuters - Tue Mar 16,10:10 AM ET

Genetic engineering might offer a way of reducing the impact of global warming on indigenous species of plants and trees, a scientist said on Tuesday. 

More Stories
Pluto's Planet Status could be Jeopardized by Sedna Discovery

SPACE.com - Wed Mar 17, 3:57 PM ET
Good Vibrations: For NASA's Space Interferometry Mission, It's the Little Things That Matter Most
SPACE.com - Wed Mar 17, 3:57 PM ET
Spirit Rover Begins Inspecting Mars Drift
AP - Wed Mar 17, 3:35 PM ET
Distant Sedna Raises Possibility of Another Earth-Sized Planet in Our Solar System
SPACE.com - Tue Mar 16,10:43 PM ET
Pentagon Gives Swedes Research Grant
AP - Wed Mar 17, 2:39 PM ET
Creature Features: Fossil Hunting on Mars
SPACE.com - Tue Mar 16,10:43 PM ET
Scientist Probes Water's Role in Warming
AP - Wed Mar 17, 8:36 AM ET
Scientists Find Another Huge Mini-World in Outer Solar System
SPACE.com - Tue Mar 16,10:10 AM ET
Yellowstone Bison Test for Brucellosis
AP - Wed Mar 17, 8:34 AM ET
NASA, Congress Kick Off 1st Round of Budget Fight
SPACE.com - Mon Mar 15, 3:10 PM ET 
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