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 Pakistanis May Be Near al-Qaida's No. 2
AP - 15 minutes ago
Pakistani forces on Friday stepped up an offensive they believe has cornered and perhaps wounded Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, using artillery and helicopter gunships to attack militants near the rugged Afghan border. Full Coverage

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Official: Taiwan's President, VP Shot  (AP)
Powell Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq  (AP)
S. Korea Won't Send Troops to Iraqi City  (AP)
Scalia Won't Step Aside From Cheney Case  (AP)

  U.S. Gasoline Prices Hit a Record High
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  Bush Uses Kerry's Words in Campaign Ad
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Security Hopes Lift European Stocks
Reuters - 33 minutes ago
European shares rose on Friday morning as news Pakistani forces were closing in on a key al Qaeda figure tempered security fears, while Finland's Raisio leapt on disposal news.
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 Taiwan President Shot, Not in Critical Condition
Reuters - 46 minutes ago
Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian was shot in the stomach Friday while campaigning for Saturday's presidential election, but was not in critical condition, his spokesman told Reuters. Full Coverage
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 N.Y. Police Arrest Courtney Love on Assault Charge
Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 8:23 PM ET
Rocker Courtney Love was arrested in New York early on Thursday after throwing a microphone stand into a nightclub audience and hitting a man on the head, police said. Full Coverage
Entertainment Section
 E! Online
 Manhattan Knocks Off Fla. in NCAA Tourney
AP - 12 minutes ago
The little team from the Big Apple was every bit as good as promised.
Sports Section
 New York Post
Report: Microsoft Plans Xbox Price Cut Next Month
Reuters - 2 hours, 20 minutes ago
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) plans to drop the price of its Xbox video game system by $30 to $149 next month according to a story in the Wall Street Journal on Friday.
Technology Section
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 Bush Marks First Anniversary of Iraq War
P - 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
One year after ordering the first military strikes against Iraq, President Bush marks the anniversary with a fresh defense of his actions for a voting public that remains split over his decision and international allies who are growing weary of continued postwar violence in that country. Full Coverage
Politics Section
 Study: Many Species at Risk of Extinction
AP - Thu Mar 18, 9:50 PM ET
A steep decline in birds, butterflies and native plants in Britain supports the theory that humans are pushing the natural world into the Earth's sixth big extinction event and the future may see more and more animal species disappearing. Full Coverage
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Antidepressant Use in Children Rising -Researchers
Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 7:05 PM ET
More children are being prescribed antidepressants but there is little evidence that the drugs are safe or effective in youngsters, Italian scientists said on Friday.
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German Jews Attack Vegetarian Ad Campaign
Reuters - Thu Mar 18, 8:19 AM ET
An animal rights group said on Wednesday it would go ahead with a controversial advertising campaign that likens the slaughter of animals to the murder of Jews under the Nazis despite threats of a legal challenge. Full Coverage
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U.S. credibility hinges on solid intelligence-gathering
USATODAY.com - Thu Mar 18, 7:22 AM ET
The Iraq war has thrown up many surprises since its launch a year ago this Friday. But none is as shocking as the fact that after committing more than $100 billion and 100,000 troops and sacrificing more than 560 military lives, the U.S. has found no biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Full Coverage
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