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The ICQ server will locate the user and send this message directly to his/her screen. If the user is not available online, the message will be delivered directly to his/her screen as soon as he/she logs on.
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The Unified Messaging Center of every ICQ member is at
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5 Ways To Be Found On ICQ

 For Use by Other ICQ Friends:

This is your unique ICQ number that
identifies you to other ICQ users.

 For Use by All Your Friends:
Unified Messaging Center:
This is your ICQ Web page, where you can
be paged and reached by anyone.

Have your friends send you email directly to your ICQ!

 For Use by All Your Friends (Requires Your Subscription):
Get a free web-based email account, that
you can integrate with your ICQ.

<User Name>@icqmail.com
ICQ Homepages:
Get a free homepage on the ICQ website!



Additional Communication Options
More ICQ Ways to Communicate:
 Exchange Messages with Cell Phones.
 3 great ICQ ways to send messages to cell
 phones from ICQ, from the Web or through
Enable your Web site visitors to
contact you directly from your site

Install communication panels to enable interaction with your site visitors.
 Receive online response to your
 email message!
 Create a signature which includes all your  contact optionsenabling your e-mail recipients
  to respond instantly.

Web to client communication guide
Learn about the shortest way to form a connection and how to use the communication
shortcut buttons.

 Post a Chat Request
 Post yourself on our Chat Request listings.
Post a Random Chat
Make yourself available for Random Chat.

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[หน้าถัดไป :      ๑๐ ๑๑ ๑๒ ๑๓ ๑๔ ๑๕ ๑๖ ๑๗ ๑๘ ๑๙ ๒๐ ๒๑ ๒๒ ๒๓ ๒๔ >>]

โดย : นาย รังสรรค์ กลิ่นแก้ว, โรงเรียน กรมสามัญศึกษา กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ โทร.06-891-5381, วันที่ 17 มกราคม 2547