Since 2006, NECTEC has initially set up the programme of the Internatioal Scientific Advisory Panel (ISAP) with the main purpose to strengthening the research and development in electronics and computet technologies in the country and enhacing its capacity into the world class level. The experts from relevant discipline and different countries were invited to join the ISAP for their advices on NECTEC's technological research and development that responds to the regional and global priorities needs.
The NECTEC ISAP 2013 was organised during 22-23 August 2013 of which the focus will draw upon the “Service Science, Research and Innovation”. The theme of the discussion will be how NECTEC as an R&D organisation applies the concept of service science, research and innovation to the implementation and action plan. The activities during the ISAP 2013 event will include special lectures by invited experts, the interactive discussion and brainstorming among invited experts, NECTEC executives and senior researchers. There are 3 ditinguished exprts in the field of service science, research and innovation who accepted to join the NECTEC ISAP 2013
NECTEC International Scientific Advisory Panel 2013
Professor Dr. Ian Miles Professor of Technological and Social Change Manchester Institute |
Professor Dr. Michael Papazoglou Chair of Computer Science and Executive Director of European Research |
Professor Dr. Mitsuru Ikeda Professor of School of Knowledge Science at the Japan |