Professor Dr. Mitsuru Ikeda professor of School of Knowledge Science at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology: JAIST |
B.Eng., M.Eng. from Utsunomiya University(1992, 1986), Dr. Eng. from Osaka University(1989)
Professional Career
Research associate at Utsunomiya university(1989),Research associate at Osaka university(1991),Associate Professor at Osaka university(1997),
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Mitsuru Ikeda, Kevin D. Ashley, Tak-Wai Chan (Eds.) LNCS4053, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Hidelberg 2006/6
- Towards Sustainable Educational Innovations Informed by The Learning Science Proceedings of The Thirteenth International Conference on Computer and Education, Mitsuru Ikeda, Chee-Kit Looi, David Jonassen (Eds.) IOS Press 2005/6
Published Papers
- A Uniform Conceptual Model for Knowledge Management of International Copyright Law Wenhuan Lu and Mitsuru Ikeda Journal of Information Science 34 1 93-109 2008
- A Collaborative Learning Design Environment to Integrate Practice and Learning based on Collaborative Space Ontology and Patterns Takeuchi, M., Hayashi, Y., Ikeda, M., and Mizoguchi, R. Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems(ITS2006), LNCS 4053, Springer, Verlag, Berlin, pp.187-196,2006/6
credit : https://www.jaist.ac.jp