Professor Dr.Ian Miles Professor of Technological Innovation and Social Change |
Personal home page: https://php.portals.mbs.ac.uk/imiles.aspx |
Ian Miles graduated in psychology from the University of Manchester. After working at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University for eighteen years, he joined PREST in 1990. His research interests and methods are wide-ranging.
Much of his work on technological innovation has concerned new Information Technologies, and he has been particularly interested in service industries as users and sources of innovation. IT is especially important for these industries, but other technological and organisational innovations are also highly relevant. Apart from analyses of services in general, Miles is particularly associated with Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS), pioneering research into these industries. Research covers both magaerial and policy dimensions of these issues, and uses tools such as case studies and survey analysis.
Broader interests concern the social and employment implications of changing technology, and the social shaping of technologies; the evaluation of social science and other research programmes; social and other indicators; and foresight methods and practice. (In connection with the latter, he is on the editorial board of several leading journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Foresight, and the International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, as well as journals focusing more on services and innovation issues.). He was a director of PREST and a founding director of CRIC, the Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition - both now assimilated into Manchester Institute of Innovation Research.
His work has been carried out for many sponsors, including the Economic and Social Research Council, UK government departments (DTI, DEFRA), foreign government departments (in, for example, Brazil, Finland,and Switzerland), international organisations (e.g. the EC's DG Research and DG Enterprise, World Bank, UNCTAD, UNIDO) and private companies (e.g. BT, BNFL). As well as producing numerous reports, he has written over 110 book chapters, over 80 journal articles, and authored and co-authored twelve books, and co-edited eight; not to mention numerous reports. Much of this material (and more by way of presentations, etc.) can be located online.
Research Interests
Research interests include innovation studies, foresight, indicators (social indicators and S&T data) and service sectors, especially KIBS and creative industries. Miles has been concentrating on information technology, foresight and service innovation in recent years.
Working papers
Showing 165 publication(s)
Authored book
- R Popper, L Georghiou, M Keenan, I Miles. Evaluating Foresight. Santiago de Cali, Colombia: Universidad del Valle, 2010. eScholarID:125889
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P., Kaivi-oja J. Knowledge Society Foresight. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2003. eScholarID:4b2361
- Miles, ., Marcela Miozzo. Internationalization, Technology and Services. Elgar, 2002. eScholarID:4b1084
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P. Practical Guide to Regional Foresight in the United Kingdom. European Commission, 2002. eScholarID:4b2288
- Miles, I D., McMeekin, A., Roy A, Rutter J. Clicks and Mortar: the new store fronts [authors as The Retail E-commerce Task Force]. DTI, 2000. eScholarID:4b2291
Edited book
- L A Macaulay, I Miles, L Zhao, J Wilby, Y L Tan, B Theoudoulidis. ed. Case Studies in Service Innovation. Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012. eScholarID:183432
- C Martinez-Fernandez and I Miles with T Weyman. C Martinez-Fernandez and I Miles with T Weyman. ed. The Knowledge Economy at Work. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2011. eScholarID:125888
- Georghiou L, Harper J, Keenan MP, Miles ID, Popper R. The Handbook of Technology Foresight - Concepts and Practice. PRIME series. Edward Elgar, 2008. eScholarID:4b2289
- Miozzo, M., Miles, I D. Internationalization, Technology and Services. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002. eScholarID:4b2214
- Miles, I D., FOREN Network. A Practical Guide to Regional Foresight [co-editor]. IPTS, 2001. eScholarID:4b2290
- Miles, I D. Innovation Systems in the Service Economy. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000. eScholarID:4b2292
Book contribution
- Ian Miles. "Eleonora Masini : Los studios de los futuros como obligación moral." In Eleonora Barbieri Masini: Alma De Los Estudios De Los Futuros, ed. Alonso Conchiero, A. and Medina Vasquez, J, 309-314. Mexico City: Fundacion Javier Barros Sierra, 2013. eScholarID:189807
- Ian Miles. "Interactive Impacts – Foresight as a Product, Service and Coproduction Process." In Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future: Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, ed. Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg, Alexander Sokolov, 63-82. Berlin: Springer, 2013. eScholarID:202303
- Ian Miles. "Public Service Innovation: What messages from the collision of Innovation Studies and Services Research?." In Handbook of Innovation and Change in Public Services, ed. Osborne, S.P. and Brown, L, London: Routledge, 2013. eScholarID:189806
- Sally Gee and Ian Miles. "Cultures and Innovation." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 244-267. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183423
- Ian Miles and John Rigby. "Demand-Led Innovation." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 6-33. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183410
- Ian Miles and Sally Gee. "Innovation and Creative Places." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 227-243. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183422
- Hugo Thénint and Ian Miles. "Innovation in the Public Sector." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 64-88. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183414
- Ian Miles. "Introduction to Service Innovation." In Case Studies in Service Innovation, ed. L A Macaulay, I Miles, L Zhao, J Wilby, Y L Tan, B Theoudoulidis, 9-24. Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012. eScholarID:183433
- Ian Miles. "Introduction to the Organisation and its Environment Cases." In Case Studies in Service Innovation, ed. L A Macaulay, I Miles, L Zhao, J Wilby, Y L Tan, B Theoudoulidis, 48-50. Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012. eScholarID:183434
- Ian Miles. "KIBS And Knowledge Dynamics In Client-Supplier Interaction." In Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services, ed. Eleonora Di Maria, Roberto Grandinetti, and Barbara Di Bernardo, 13-34. London: Palgrave, 2012. eScholarID:183424
- Ian Miles and Yanuar Nugroho. "Microfinance and Innovation." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 155-184. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183420
- Lawrence Green, Barbara Jones and Ian Miles. "Skills and Innovation." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 185-206. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183421
- John Rigby, Yanuar Nugroho, Kathryn Morrison and Ian Miles. "Who Drives Innovation?." In Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, ed. Deborah Cox and John Rigby, 9-35. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2012. eScholarID:183407
- Ian Miles. "“Abraham Maslow” “Hierarchy of Needs” “Post-Industrial society” “Mass production and consumption” “Roger Silverstone” “Service industries”." In Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, ed. Dale Southerton, London: Sge, 2012. eScholarID:183435
- I Miles. "“Introduction to Service Innovation”." In Case Studies in Service Innovation, ed. L A Macaulay, I Miles, L Zhao, J Wilby, Y L Tan, B Theoudoulidis, 9-24. Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012. eScholarID:178677
- A James, I Miles. "Using Scenarios to Characterise Complex Policy Interrelationships." In SECURITY IN FUTURES – SECURITY IN CHANGE, ed. Burkhard Auffermann & Juha Kaskinen, 154-168. Turku, Finland: Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), 2011. eScholarID:127043
- Popper, R., Miles, I D. "IST and Europe?s Objectives ? a Survey of Expert Opinion." In Visions of the future for IST, challenges and bottlenecks towards Lisbon 2010 in an Enlarged Europe, ed. Pascu, C. and Filip, F, 87-101.Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2006. eScholarID:3b5230
- Miles, I D. "Innovation in Services." In The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, ed. J Fagerberg, D Mowery & R Nelson, -. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. eScholarID:3b4895
- Miles, I D. "Knowledge-Intensive-Services and Innovation." 2004. eScholarID:3b4894
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark. "IPR, Knowledge and Services." Beijing, China: Science Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4899
- Miles, I D., Miozzo M. "Introduction." 1-11. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003. eScholarID:3b4905
- Miles, I D. "Knowledge-based Economy and Services." Beijing: China: Science Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4896
- Miles, I D., Wei J. "Knowledge-intensive Business Services." Beijing, China: Science Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4897
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark, Bolisani E. "New Service Economy: the development of e-business." Beijing, China: Science Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4898
- Miles, I D. "Rethinking Organisation in the Information Society." 65-89. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2003. eScholarID:3b4904
- Miles, I D. "Services Innovation: coming of age in the knowledge-based economy." 59-81. London: Imperial College Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4903
- Miles, I D. "Services and the Knowledge-based Economy." 81-112. London: Imperial College Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4900
- Miles, I D., Tether, B. "The Effects of Innovation in Standardised, Customised and Bespoke Services: evidence from Germany." 175-210. London: Imperial College Press, 2003. eScholarID:3b4901
- Baker P, Miozzo, M., Miles, I D. "The Internationalisation of Services: are the modes changing?." In Internationalisation, Technology and Services, ed. Miozzo, M. and Miles, I, 59-86. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002. eScholarID:3b4907
- Miozzo, M., Miles, I D. "The Relation Between the Internationalisation of Services and the Process of Innovation: a research agenda." In Internationalisation, Technology and Services, ed. Miozzo, M. and Miles, I, 15-32. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002. eScholarID:3b4906
- Miles, I D. "The Tertiarisation of Innovation Studies." 164-196. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002. eScholarID:3b4908
- Miles, I D. "Towards the Cybereconomy: making a business out of cyberspace." 135-145. London: Athlone, 2002. eScholarID:3b4909
- Miles, I D. "Transformations of Information Society [in Theme 1.24 Capital Resources, Issue IV: global transformations and world futures - knowledge, economy and society (ed. S T Inayatullah)]." Oxford: Eolss Publishers, 2002. eScholarID:3b4910
- Miles, I D., Tether, B. "Surveying Innovation in Service : Measurement and Policy Interpretation Issues." Luxembourg: European Commission Publication, 2001. eScholarID:3b5159
- Miles, I D. "Taking the Pulse of the Knowledge-driven Economy: the role of KIBS." Helsinki: Uusimaa TE Centre Publications, 2001. eScholarID:3b4911
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark. "Conclusions: beyond the service economy." London: Continuum, 2000. eScholarID:3b4917
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark, Bolisani E. "E-commerce: servicing the new economy." 89-102. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2000. eScholarID:3b4913
- Miles, I D. "Environmental Services: sustaining knowledge." 103-120. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2000. eScholarID:3b4914
- Miles, I D., Prof Coombs Rod. "Innovation, Measurement and Services: the new problematique." 83-102. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000. eScholarID:3b4919
- Miles, I D., Tomlinson M. "Intangible Assets and Service Sectors: the challenges of service industries." 154-186. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2000. eScholarID:3b4916
- Miles, I D. "Introduction, Overview and Reprise." 1-14. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000. eScholarID:3b4918
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark. "Introduction: are services special?." London: Continuum, 2000. eScholarID:3b4382
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark. "Services, Knowledge and Intellectual Property." 159-177. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2000. eScholarID:3b4915
- Miles, I D., Windrum Paul, Flanagan, K. "Web Services: knowledge of the new." -. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2000. eScholarID:3b4912
Journal article
- Ian Miles. "Dynamic Foresight Evaluation." foresight 14, no. 1(2012) : 69-81. eScholarID:183404
- O Saritas and I Miles. "Scan-4-Light." foresight 14, no. 6(2012) : 489-510. eScholarID:183406
- Lluıs Santamarıa, Maria Jesus Nieto, Ian Miles. "Service innovation in manufacturing firms: Evidence from Spain." Technovation 32, no. 2(2012) : 144-155. eScholarID:183403
- Ian Miles and Ozcan Saritas. "The Depth of the Horizon." foresight 14, no. 6(2012) : 530-545. eScholarID:183405
- I Miles. "“Dynamic Foresight Evaluation”." Foresight vol. 14, no. 1(2012) : 69-81. eScholarID:178670 | DOI:10.1108/14636681211210378
- Lluıs Santamarıa, Maria Jesus Nieto, Ian Miles. "Service innovation in manufacturing firms: Evidence from Spain." Technovation(2011) . eScholarID:131419 | DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2011.08.006
- Ian Miles. "“From knowledge-intensive services to knowledge-intensive service systems”." International Journal of Services Technology and Management(2011) . eScholarID:125890 | DOI:10.1504/IJSTM.2011.042593
- A Eerola and I Miles. "“Methods and tools contributing to FTA: A knowledge-based perspective”." Futures 43, no. 3(2011) : 265-278. eScholarID:123300 | DOI:10.1016/j.futures.2010.11.005
- I Miles. "“The Development of Technology Foresight: A Review”." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77, no. 9(2010) : 1448-1456. eScholarID:123301 | DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2010.07.016
- I Miles (Й. Майлс). "“предупреждение наводнений и защитА бере овых территорий в Велико британии” (“Scenarios and Road Mapping for Key Technologies: Flood and Coastal Defence in Great Britain”)." Форсайт (Foresight) 2, no. 4(2008) : 50-56. eScholarID:135413
- Popper, Rafael, Keenan, Michael, Medina, Javier, and Miles, Ian. "Benchmarking the Colombian Foresight Programme against practices in Europe and South America." Cuadernos de Administracion, Universidad del Valle 40(2008) : 9-26. eScholarID:1g135
- Miles, I D. "Research and Development (R and D) Beyond Manufacturing: The Strange Case of Services R and D." R&D Management 37(3)(2007) : 249-268. eScholarID:1b10288 | DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9310.2007.00473.x
- Miles, I D., Scapolo, F. "Eliciting Experts' Knowledge: a comparison of two methods." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 73(6)(2006) : 679-704. eScholarID:1b9256 | DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2006.03.001
- Martinez-Fernandez, M Cristina, and Miles, Ian. "Inside the software firm: co-production of knowledge and KISA in the innovation process." International Journal of Services Technology and Management 7, no. 2(2006) : 115-125. eScholarID:1g49
- Miles, I D. "Be Here Now."(2005) . eScholarID:1b9254 | DOI:10.1108/14636690510587216
- Cunningham, P N., Grant-Pearce, C., Green, L., Miles, I D., Rigby, J., Uyarra, E. "In sickness, in health and in innovation: NHS DIRECT - a health sector innovation study." Administration 53, no. 3(2005) : 42-65. eScholarID:1b10048
- Miles, I D. "Knowledge Intensive Business Services: Prospects and policies." Foresight 7(6)(2005) : 39-63. eScholarID:1b10080 | DOI:10.1108/14636680510630939
- Miles, I D. "UK Foresight: three cycles in a highway."(2005) . eScholarID:1b9255 | DOI:10.1504/IJFIP.2005.007593
- Miles, I D. "Technology Futures Analysis: toward integration of the field and new methods." 71(2004) : 287-303. eScholarID:1b9258
- Miles, I D., Salazar Angel. "The Impact Assessment of Telematics Applications in Health Care in Europe." 5(2004) : 359-377. eScholarID:1b9257
- Malik K., Glynn S., Butler J., Miles, I. "Developing Innovation Policies for the Knowledge Economy in Europe." Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 5, no. 2/3(2003) : 225-233. eScholarID:1b8961
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P. "Two and a Half Cycles of Foresight in the UK." 12(2003) : 41-49. eScholarID:1b8973
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P. "Bringing It All Back Home: linking national and regional foresight."(2002) : 29-35. eScholarID:1b9829
- Miles, I D., McMeekin, A. "Genomics and Social Sciences: issues and priorities." 4(2002) : 13-29. eScholarID:1b8924
- Miles, I D. "Social Science Research Priorities Related to Genomics: the "bottom line" for the ESRC genomics scenarios project." 4(2002) : 36-42. eScholarID:1b8894
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P., Farhi F, Lecoq D. "Creating Vision in the Regions: a framework for organising regional foresight."(2001) : 6-12. eScholarID:1b9831
- Miles, I D. "Knowledge Intensive Business Services Revisited." 8(2001) . eScholarID:1b9259
- Tether, B., Hipp, C., Miles, I D. "Standardisation and Particularisation in Services: evidence from Germany." Research Policy 30(7)(2001) : 1115-1138. eScholarID:1b8990 | DOI:10.1016/S0048-7333(00)00133-5
- Miles, I D., Dr Boden Mark. "Electronic Commerce Implementation: a Knowledge-based Analysis." 3 no.3(1999) : 53-70. eScholarID:1b7820
- Miles, I D. "Services and Foresight." 19(1999) : 1-27. eScholarID:1b7885
- Miles, I D. "Why the Future is Fortean." 1(1999) : 73-90. eScholarID:1b7803
Conference contribution
- Cunningham, P N., Grant-Pearce, C, Green, L., Miles, I D., Rigby, J., Uyarra, E. 2005. In Sickness, in Health and in Innovation: NHS DIRECT - a health sector innovation study. In 'Breaking New Ground' - Innovation in the Public Sector International Conference. eScholarID:2b2176
- Miles, I D. 2004. Centrifugal Foresight: foresight in the UK. eScholarID:2b2206
- Miles, I D. 2004. Foresight - La Prospectiva. eScholarID:2b2202
- Miles, I D., Scapolo F. 2004. Selection of Methods: a comparison of two methods on eliciting experts' knowledge. eScholarID:2b2205
- Miles, I D. 2004. The Future Needs Us. eScholarID:2b2203
- Miles, I D. 2004. The Quality of Foresight. eScholarID:2b2201
- Miles, I D. 2004. Three Worlds of Foresight. eScholarID:2b2204
- Miles, I D., Glynn Steven M, Malik, K., Butler J. 2003. Developing Policies for the Knowledge Economy in Europe. eScholarID:2b2207
- Miles, I D. 2003. Ten Years of UK Foresight. eScholarID:2b2208
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P. 2002. Basic Approaches for Technology Foresight at the National and Sub-National (Regional) Level. eScholarID:2b2868
- Miles, I D. 2002. Does the New Economy Demand New Statistics?. eScholarID:2b2209
- Miles, I D. 2002. Scenarios and Foresight: towards a constructive integration. eScholarID:2b2210
- Miles, I D. 2000. E-commerce: will it expand markets for small operators, or exclude the disadvantaged?. eScholarID:2b2218
- Miles, I D. 2000. Employment in Knowledge-intensive Services. eScholarID:2b2223
- Miles, I D. 2000. Foresight and Action. eScholarID:2b2219
- Miles, I D. 2000. From Technology Foresight to Social Foresight. eScholarID:2b2213
- Miles, I D., Cameron, H., Butler J. 2000. Grasping the Nettle: a research programme on the measurement and valuation of intangible assets. eScholarID:2b2222
- Miles, I D. 2000. Knowledge-intensive Business Services: what do we know?. eScholarID:2b2215
- Miles, I D. 2000. Re-thinking Organisation in the Information Society. eScholarID:2b2216
- Miles, I D. 2000. Service Innovation: coming of age in the knowledge economy. eScholarID:2b2220
- Miles, I D. 2000. Service Innovation: coming of age in the knowledge economy (revised version). eScholarID:2b2221
- Miles, I D. 2000. Services Internationalisation and Human Resources. eScholarID:2b2217
- Miles, I D. 2000. Services in the Knowledge Economy. eScholarID:2b2214
- Miles, I D., Tether, B. 2000. Surveying Innovation in Services: measurement and policy interpretation issues. eScholarID:2b2212
- Miles, I D. 2000. The Internet in 2010. eScholarID:2b2224
- Miles, I D. 2000. eCRM and Services. eScholarID:2b2211
Working paper
- Konstantin Fursov, Ian Miles. "Framing Emerging Nanotechnologies: Sketches Towards a Forward-Looking Analysis Of Skills." Higher School of Economics, Basic Research Program Working Papers( Series: Science, Technology And Innovation )(2013) . eScholarID:202300
- Marina Doroshenko, Ian Miles, Dmitri Vinogradov. "Knowledge Intensive Business Services as Generators of Innovations." Moscow, Higher School of Economics, Basic Research Program Working Papers (Series: Science, Technology And Innovation)(2013) . eScholarID:202299
- Julie Basset, Ian Miles and Hugo Thénint. 2011. INNOVATION UNBOUND: Changing innovation locus, changing policy focus. Versailles, France: LLA. eScholarID:123302
- Ozcan Saritas, Ian Miles. 2011. Scan-4-Light: A Horizon Scanning / Trend Monitoring Project for the Rockefeller Foundation. New York: Rockefeller Foundation. eScholarID:202301
- Rigby, J., Nugroho, Y., Morrison, K., Miles, I D. 2008. Society Driven Innovation. INNOGRIPS. eScholarID:5b196
- Miles, Ian, and Lawrence Green. 2008. Hidden Innovation in the Creative Industries. London: NESTA. eScholarID:5g4
- Miles, Ian, and Sally Gee. 2008. Innovation Culture. https://grips.proinno-europe.eu/knowledge_base/view/392/grips-mini-study-on-innovation-culture/ And https://www.proinno-europe.eu/extranet/upload/deliverables/Miles.pdf: Pro Inno Europe. eScholarID:5g10
- Popper, R., Keenan, M P., Miles, I D., Maurits Butter, Graciela Sainz. 2007. Global Foresight Outlook 2007: Mapping Foresight in Europe and the rest of the World, The EFMN Annual Mapping Report 2007. EFMN. eScholarID:5b198
- Popper, R., Keenan, M P., Miles, I D., Maurits Butter, Graciela Sainz. 2007. Global Foresight Outlook 2007: Mapping Foresight in Europe and the rest of the World, The EFMN Annual Mapping Report 2007. EFMN. eScholarID:5b199
- Gee, S., Miles, I D. 2007. Innovation Culture. eScholarID:5b109
- Popper, Rafael, Michael Keenan, Ian Miles, Maurits Butter, and Graciela Sainz de la Fuenta. 2007. Global Foresight Outlook 2007. EFNM Network. eScholarID:5g6
- Georghiou, L., Keenan, M P., Miles, I D., Cameron, H. 2006. An Evaluation of the UK Foresight Programme: Final Report. eScholarID:5b640
- Miles, I D., Cunningham, P N. 2006. Smart Innovation: A practical guide to evaluating innovation programmes. ECSC-EC-EAEC. eScholarID:5b702
- Miles, I D., Cunningham, P N., Cox, D., Malik, K. 2006. Smart Innovation: A practical guide to evaluating innovation programmes. eScholarID:5b205
- Miles, I D., Cunningham, P N., Cox, D., Malik, K. 2006. Smart Innovation: A practical guide to evaluating innovation programmes. eScholarID:5b204
- Miles, I D., Cunningham, P N., Rigby, J., Green, L., Uyarra, E. 2005. NHS Direct, An Innovation in Social Trust, PUBLIN Report No. D12-3 UK case study WP4. eScholarID:5b683
- Popper, R., Miles, I D. 2005. The FISTERA Delphi: Future Challenges, Applications and Priorities for Socially Beneficial Information Society Technologies. eScholarID:5b723
- Miles, I.D., Keenan, M.P., Loveridge, D., Thomas, D.A., Popper, R. 2004. European Knowledge Society Foresight: The EUFORIA Project Synthesis Report. eScholarID:5b485
- Miles, I D., Popper, R., Green, L. 2004. Exploring Emerging Applications: report of the FISTERA trends, drivers and challenges workshop. eScholarID:5b494
- Rader M, Green, L., Boehle K, Saracco R, Spinelli G, Dachs B, Weber M, Mahroum S, Miles, I D., Popper, R. 2004. Key Factors Driving the Future Information Society in the European Research Area: synthesis report on the FISTERA Thematic Network study (for the European Commission Directorate General JRC). eScholarID:5b493
- Miles, I D., Green, L., Popper, R., Galsworthy J. 2004. Locating the Personal: report of a Pinpoint Faraday Partnership workshop exploring the social and technological opportunities and challenges of emerging personal location systems. eScholarID:5b492
- Miles, I D., Glynn Steven M, McMeekin, A. 2004. Prospecting Bioscience for the Future of Non-food Uses of Crops [Report to the Government Industry Forum on Non-food Uses of Crops]. eScholarID:5b488
- Miles, I D. 2004. Rural Futures: scoping social science research needs [final report by the Institute for Alternative Futures and the Institute of Innovation Research]. eScholarID:5b530
- Miles, I D. 2004. Scenario Exercise on Moving Toward a Sustainable Energy Economy [Final Report by the Institute for Alternative Futures and the Institute of Innovation Research]. eScholarID:5b529
- Miles, I D., Consoli, D., Tomlinson, M. 2003. Business Services: contribution to growth and productivity in EU (Sept 2003). eScholarID:5b734
- Miles, I D. 2003. Business Services: contribution to growth and productivity in the European Union [contributor to ECORYS-NEI and CRIC report to European Commission]. eScholarID:5b531
- Miles, I D., Glynn Steven M, Butler, J., Malik, K., Lengrand L. 2003. Innovation Tomorrow [LLA/PREST/ANRT Report]. European Commission / DG Enterprise. eScholarID:5b541
- Miles, I D., Tether, B. 2003. Innovation in the Service Economy. IPTS. eScholarID:5b672
- Miles, I D., Flanagan, K., Malik, K., Prof Swann G M, Tether, B., Green, L. 2003. Knowing How, Knowing Whom: a study of the links between the knowledge intensive services sector and the science base [Report to the Council for Science and Technology]. Manchester, UK: Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. eScholarID:5b486
- Miles, I D. 2003. Knowledge Intensive Services and their Clients [Report to Finnish Government]. Helsinki: Edita. eScholarID:5b532
- Blind K, Herstatt C, Edler J, Schmoch U, Howells, J., Andersen B, Miles, I D., Roberts J, Green, L., Evangelista R. 2003. Patents in the Service Industries (Final Report to EC DG Research). eScholarID:5b498
- Flanagan, K., Leitner K H, Malik, K., Green, L., Dachs B, Wagner P, Weber M, Miles, I D. 2003. The Future of Manufacturing in Europe 2015-2020 - the challenge for sustainability: industrial approaches. PREST, University of Manchester ISBN 0 946007 10 1. eScholarID:5b496
- Miles, I D., McMeekin, A. 2002. ESRC Project on Genomics and Society: priorities for social science research [IAF and CRIC report]. eScholarID:5b489
- Miles, I D. 2002. RTD Policy Implications for Practice of Innovation in Services Sectors, and the Role of Business Services in Innovation [Note for European Commission Benchmarking Group IRCE]. eScholarID:5b533
- Miles, I D., Howells, J., Green, L. 2002. Services and Innovation: dynamics of service innovation in the European Union (Annex G to the Report on Research and Development, European Commission Economic Policy Committee-available at https://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/epc/documents/). eScholarID:5b501
- Miles, I D., Tether, B., Blind K, de Liso N, Cainelli G. 2001. Analysis of CIS Data on Innovation in the Service Sector [Final Report to European Commission by CRIC/IDSE/ISE]. eScholarID:5b535
- Miles, I D., McMeekin, A. 2001. Genomics and the ESRC Thematic Priorities: scoping the genomics scenarios task. ESRC. eScholarID:5b661
- Miles, I D., Jarvis D. 2001. Nanotechnology - A Scenario for Success in 2006 [Report to DGRC]. Teddington, UK: HMSO. eScholarID:5b534
- Miles, I D., Keenan, M P. 2000. From National to Regional Foresight: experiences and lessons. eScholarID:5b536
- Miles, I D., Cameron, H., Butler J. 2000. Grasping the Nettle: draft final report of a feasibility study concerning a programme for research into the measurement and valuation of intangible assets [for DTI, CRIC and PREST]. eScholarID:5b537
- Miles, I D. 2000. ICT and Innovation [Report Prepared for Director General of Research Councils]. eScholarID:5b538
- Miles, I D., Prof Coombs Rod, Georghiou L. 2000. Metrics for the Performance of the Science Base [Report Prepared for the Director General of Research Councils]. eScholarID:5b539
- Miles, I D. 2000. Quality of Life Issues and Measurement [Appendix C in PA Report - Review of the Rationale for and Economic Benefit of the UK National Measurement System]. eScholarID:5b540
- Miles, I D., Flanagan, K., Cox, D. 2000. Ubiquitous Computing: toward understanding European strengths and weaknesses. eScholarID:5b504
- Popper, R., Miles, I D. Recommendations to the Colombian Technology Foresight Programme. eScholarID:5b725
Journal contribution
- L Zhao, L Macaulay, I Miles. "“Introduction to knowledge intensive service systems”." International Journal of Services Technology and Management(2011) . eScholarID:125891
- I Miles. "“Сервисные инновации в XXI веке” (“Service Innovation in the Twenty First Century”)." Форсайт (Foresight) 5, no. 2(2011) : 4-15. eScholarID:135412
- L A Macaulay, I Miles, L Zhao, J Wilby, Y L Tan, B Theoudoulidis (eds). Case Studies in Service Innovation. Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy. Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012. eScholarID:178674
- Miles, I D., Jones, B., et al .2008. Innovation in the European Service Economy – scenarios and implications for skills and knowledge. FINAL REPORT to IPTS, Framework Service Contract 150083-2005-02-BE.
- Miles, I D., IRCE (STRATA-ETAN expert gp). Benchmarking National R&D Policies: the impact of RTD on competitiveness and employment [attached to report on Benchmarking National Research Policies]. 2002. European Commission / DG Enterprise.
- Miles, I D., Jarvis D. New Dimensions for Manufacturing: a UK strategy for nanotechnology [as Advisory Group on Nanotechnology]. 2002. DTI.
- Miles, I D., Tether, B., de Liso N, Cainelli G. Innovation in the Service Sector: analysis of data collected under the CIS2 [CRIC Working Paper CRIC No 11]. 2002. 1 8402 006X.
- Miles, I D. Services Innovation: a reconfiguration of innovation studies [PREST discussion paper]. 2001.
Additional Information
Current and recent PhD students Miles is supervising feature such topics as: innovation in the voluntary sectors: managing digital convergence in mobile phone companies; video console game innovation; and more! The main common theme is service sector innovation. I welcome PhD applicants wishing to develop work on services innovation and related topics.
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