Wireless Information Security and Eco-Electronics Research Unit
WISRU /WISEResearch Group in WISRU/ WISE
1) Wireless and Intelligent Innovation Lab. (WII)
Dr. Kitti + 5 members
2) Cyber Intelligence and Applications (CIA)
Dr. Ratapoom + 5 members
3) Computer and Security Innovation (CSI)
Dr.Chalee Vorakulpipat+ 5 members
4) Electro-Magnetic Circuit Design and Eco-Electronics (EMC)
Dr.Pornanong Pongpaibool + 8 members
Wireless and Intelligent Innovation Group (WII)
- Broadband Wireless Network
WiMAX in Mae Hong Sorn
Low-cost WiMAX CPE
Wireless Meshed Networks
IEEE 802.11n Networks
- RFID Systems & Applications
- Smart Health, Smart Farm, Smart Home
Cyber Intelligence and Applications Group (CIA)
- Social network analysis
- Information and Internet Analysis
- Intelligent Crime Map
Computer and Security Innovation Group (CSI)
- Web Blocking
- No SPAM email system
- Internet security policy and standard
- Accoustic sensor network for national security applications.
Electro-Magnetic Circuit Design and Eco-Electronics Group (EMC)
- Antenna Technology
- RF circuit design
- Jammer
- RF amplifier
- Near-zero-power standby system
- RF for Solar Cell Production
- RFID system
Last Updated (Tuesday, 13 September 2011 11:32)