To enhance the research, development, design, and engineering of Intelligent Informatics through technology transfer, human resource development, and software infrastructure that are to raise the competitive capability to sustainable development of Thailand by providing effective infrastructural support the integration of all sectors.
Technology Expertise
- Image Processing Technology
- Human Language Technology
- Knowledge Discovery Technology
- Digital Archive Technology
- Digital Media Technology
- Biomedical Signal Processing Technology
Projects in Progress
- Annotated and Multimedia Corpus Project
- Outpatients’ and Patients’ Data Linking System for National Health Security Office Pilot Project
- The Projects of Human Language Technology Laboratory
- The Projects of Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory
- The Projects of Digital Media Informatics Laboratory
- The Projects of Knowledge Elicitation and Archiving Laboratory
- The Projects of Image Technology Laboratory
Outstanding Works
Outstanding works of Image Technology Laboratory
Outstanding works of Human Language Technology Laboratory
Outstanding works of Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory
Outstanding works of Digital Media Informatics Laboratory
Outstanding works of Knowledge Elicitation and Archiving Laboratory
Academic Services
PARSIT : English – Thai translation system served online through the Internet.
LEXITRON : English-Thai and Thai-English electronics dictionary served online through the Internet and software packages.
VAJA : System of high quality Thai synthetic speech in the form of web services and software packages.
ISPEECH : Thai speech recognition system in the form of web services and software packages.
SANSARN : Intelligent information retrieval systems for information in Thai.
ABDUL : Automatic question-answering system through instant messenger.
DUPDIP : Plagiarism automatic checking system for documents in Thai.
Annotated and Multimedia Corpus :
a. ORCHID : Archive of annotated text.
b. LOTUS : Large audio archives for Thai continuous speech recognition.
c. BEST : Large annotated text archive.
LearnSquare: An IT, squared learning sources https://www.learnsquare.com
Multimedia Teaching Materials for Malay language: https://malayu.nectec.or.th/
Multimedia Teaching Materials for Karen language: https://karen.nectec.or.th/
Pi-pe Travelling Map instructions: https://www.pi-pe.org/
Size Thai: A standard for body of Thai people https://www.sizethailand.org/
Ya&You: Web search and information services, knowledge of medicine and health. Working with Pharmaceutical System Research and Development Foundation https://www.yaandyou.net/
Digital Ruseidotton: 3D Thai expercise posture https://www.rusiedotton.thai.net/
The Beautiful Swamp Buffalo: Web site, data collection of the beautiful swamp buffalo and research's results to assess the shape of buffalo via 3D Body Scanner https://www.kwai-ngam.thai.net/
Last Updated (Sunday, 11 September 2011 10:52)