
"No other countries can beat Thailand"

  • Stable politics and society with no internal conflicts.  Thailand is a well-designed society without guerillas, terrorists, separatists, religion conflicts and extreme nationalists.
  • Peaceful with high stability and excellent international relationship "Past, present and future, Thailand has always had good friends".  There are no other countries like Thailand.
  • Friendly culture "THAI SMILE will make you happy with work and living." ( )
  • High quality of life.  Thailand has plenty of recreation of facilities, international schools, entertainment, nature, tourism, foods and fruits, which is second to no country in these aspects.
  • Best locations and comfortable temperature.  There are no disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, big typhoon, tornadoes, hurricanes, serious floods, forest fires, and no shortages of land and houses.
  • Food center of the world.  Thailand is a major world food and fruits producer.  Thai food is among the world's most favorite foods.  Thai fruits are exported all over the world.  You can have Thai food and fruits all year round in Thailand at a very reasonable price.
  • A place that you can send your best employees to work at your facility without any complaints!

Main | Vision & Mission | Microchips and Wafer Fabrication Industry |
How a microchip is made? | Why Thailand? | Industrial and Economic point of view |
Social and Quality of Life point of view | Contact Point