Daily life, education, work, and management at individual, organizational, and national levels – across both public and private sectors-rely on data from the past, present, and predicted future to support effective decision-making and planning. This reliance is crucial in this digital age, where large volumes of data are continuously generated.
Our research team thus focuses on developing comprehensive Data-Driven Simulation and Systems by applying diverse technologies. These include multi-source data integration, real-time or near real-time data management, machine learning, big data management, and statistical data analysis. Last but not least, advanced technologies such as mathematical simulation and advanced mathematics are employed to create highly accurate models for future forecasting.
We hope that our research outcomes will support both organizational and national levels in various applications, including but not limited to strategic decision-making, resource planning, risk management, emergency response, and public policy development.
Leader in model-based prediction technology and innovative data-driven systems
- Research/Develop on model-based prediction technology
- Develop short- and long-term capabilitiesin prediction technology
- Develop real-time or near real-time data management technology from multiple sources
- Promote security measures and control access to web platforms and data
- Develop tools to support the verification of suspicious data using rules and inference process
Core Technology
- Advanced numerical techniques, data processing and modeling
- Large-scale optimization, inverse problems and data assimilation
- Physics-informed ML & ML-assisted modeling
- Cloud computing and HPC in processing model-based prediction
- Web platform & data-centric zero trust and Data privacy
- Data stream collection, integration, processing, storage and visualization
- Spatio-temporal data visualization and analytics
Renown Projects
- RakNam: Saltwater Intrusion Forecasting and Scenarios-based Systems for Estuarine Saltwater Intrusion Management
- iWWDSS: Intelligent Wastewater Decision Support System
- TanRabad: Infectious Disease Surveillance Platform
- TanPibut: Natural Disaster Monitoring System
- RooTan: Citizen-centric Health Risk Notification
- UtuNoi PLAYGROUD: Data Science Learning Enhancement
- DDC-Care Dashboard: Monitoring and Assessment of Individuals at Risk of Emerging, Re-emerging, or Dangerous Infectious Diseases
- BigStream: Real-time Data Management Platform
- KitWai: Large-scale Data Analytics Platform on Cloud
- IAAM: Identity Authentication and Authorization Management
- OneAudit: Rule-Driven Data Audit System
Members & Expertise
- Naiyana Sahavechaphan, Sc.D : Software Engineering, Database, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Code Mining & Ranking, Data Integration across heterogeneous sources
- Sirod Sirisup ,Ph.D : Environmental and Industrial Flow Modeling, Data Analytics, Data Assimilation, and Large-scale Optimization for Complex System Analysis and Decision Support
- Ekasit Kijsipongse, Ph.D : Parallel Programming and Algorithms, Distributed and Cloud computing
- Saifhon Tomkratoke, Ph.D : Forest Hydrology, Hydrodynamic Simulation, GIS Applications for Water Resource Analysis and Management
- Jedsada Phengsuwan, Ph.D : Social Media Data Analytics, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Ontology, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, and Internet GIS
- Pornampai Narenpitak, Ph.D : Climate science & cloud-climate interaction
- Suriya U-ruekolan : High Performance Computing Technology (Cluster Computing, Grid Computing), Security for Distributed System, Identity and Access Management Technology
- Kamron Aroonrua : Software Architecture, Data Engineering, Information Retrieval, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing
- Jukkrapong Ponharn : Full Stack Web Development, UX/UI Design, Software Engineering, Machine Learning
- Manot Rattananen : Web & Mobile Development, Web GIS Technology
- Siriwat Kongkulsiri : Mathematical Modeling, Decision Support Systems, Data QA/QC for Robust Analysis and Informed Decision-Making
- Krit Punpreuk : Database System, Performance Testing, System Administration, Big Data Analytics
- Tanapon Yotanak : Web & Mobile Development
- Poramet Tangon : web development, data analytics
Data-Driven Simulation and Systems Research Team (DSS)
Data Science and Analytics Research Group (DSARG)
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
email : dss[at]nectec.or.th
Tel. : (+66) 02 5646900 ext. 2279