Advanced Control and Electronics Research Group (ACERG)
research and development in the field of Intelligent System in order to apply to every partners for sustainable economy and social impact
NECTEC has focused on research and development to respond to 7 industrial target groups in accordance with the National Economic and Social Development Plan as following;
research and development in the field of Intelligent System in order to apply to every partners for sustainable economy and social impact
perform R&D in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology focusing on language, speech and image processing and provide technology transfer to Thai communities
Research and development of medical device technologies, healthcare innovations, biomedical signal processing devices, rehabilitation technology, inclusive technology, and assistive technology
Research and development on foundation and high-level technology platforms that have impacts on social and economic development of the country
Research and development on big data analytics technology and building national data infrastructure to support data science research and applications.
The first product certification body in Thailand
Reserch and development on Industrial IoT and Automation
Research & Development on Intelligent Systems and Networks
ThaiSC aims to provide cutting-edge high-performance computing (HPC) research and service for national R&D community
SSDRG aims to create innovative spectroscopic sensing devices and systems that are appropriately applied in a variety of applications