The Intelligent SCADA Technology Research Team (IST) is under the Intelligent Systems Research Group (INSRG). Nowadays, advanced and complex remote data acquisition and control technologies play important role in remote monitoring systems of the industry, utilities, and the government sectors . Additionally, the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI), and Energy Management System (EMS) are currently operational on the customer’s system (Elex by EGAT). The majority of these technologies are imported from abroad. IST was established to focus on research, design and development of technologies related to SCADA systems, aiming at inventing and applying our technologies to Thai industry as well as neighbouring countries.
Focus on research and development of remote monitoring and measurement systems for viable applications, as well as research on EV chargers, according to Thailand’s sustainable development plan.
Aim to research and develop high efficiency and flexibility of remote monitoring and measurement system , as well as research on EV chargers, to enhance domestic industrial satisfaction and to keep researchers in touch with frontier innovations.
Core Technology
IST specializes in the research and development of mechanical and electrical measurement system by using Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) under tropical environment including energy saving ability and high reliability. Moreover, we are also familiar with user-friendly back-end system such as multi-propose database, user-friendly interface, decision support system and interfacing with existing system by using standard protocol.
Key Achievements / Commercialized Projects
1. Dam Safety Remote Monitoring System (DS-RMS)
The Dam Safety Remote Monitoring System (DS-RMS) is an advanced monitoring system collaboratively developed by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), specifically by the Remote Sensing and Control System Research Team (IST). This initiative integrates information and communication technology with dam behavior monitoring instruments to enhance confidence in the safety and security of EGAT’s major dams.
DS-RMS has been designed to automatically communicate data from various monitoring instruments including dam behavior sensors, seismic activity monitors, and flood measurement tools installed within dams and around reservoirs. This data is transmitted to a central computer system for processing and analysis using an expert system that can predict potential causes of anomalies. The system provides real-time dam safety status updates through a web-based application, displaying critical information via a dedicated website interface. Additionally, in case of detected irregularities, the system issues automated alerts via SMS and email to relevant personnel, ensuring timely inspections and corrective actions. Furthermore, EGAT executives are promptly informed to facilitate transparent communication with the public.
The information technology and visualization components of DS-RMS were jointly developed by EGAT and NECTEC, with advisory support from the Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Research Center, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University. These collaborations helped establish safety alert criteria and develop the expert system, incorporating recommendations from leading Thai dam engineering specialists.
The development of DS-RMS spanned 3 years (2014–2016) and has now been fully implemented. Currently, the system is operational in 14 major EGAT dams, namely: Bhumibol Dam, Sirikit Dam, Srinagarind Dam, Vajiralongkorn Dam, Ubol Ratana Dam, Sirindhorn Dam Chulabhorn Dam, Huai Kum Dam, Nam Pung Dam, Pak Mun Dam, Lamtakong Jolabha Vadhana Power Plant, Rajjaprabha Dam and Bang Lang Dam.
Additionally, as part of the DS-RMS project, the research team has developed a Remote Terminal Unit (DAM-RTU) specifically designed to measure water pressure levels at various monitoring stations within dams, meeting EGAT’s operational requirements.
Learn more about DS-RMS here
2. The Thailand EV Roaming Platform System (TER)
Thailand EV Roaming Platform System (TER) is a network integration platform for managing the EV charging stations. It supports both the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI), enabling seamless connectivity between platforms. By utilizing both standardized and customized APIs, the TER system can simplify integration, accelerates system consolidation, and facilitates cross-network payments without hassle. It also provides real-time and accurate status updates on charging stations across the third-party network while maintaining high-security protocols, such as Security Credential Tokens, TLS, and Network Security. Additionally, the system is designed to support the expansion of EV infrastructure efficiently. For over 2 years, the TER system has been tested with Charge Point Operator (CPO) servers, mobile application back-end servers, and Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) servers. This ensures that Elex by EGAT enables members to access services from other charging service providers through OCPI, without any additional complexity for EV users.
3. URConnecT: Universal Remote Terminal Unit
URConnecT is a versatile remote monitoring and control device designed to interface with various equipment, including PT100 temperature sensors, 4-20mA output sensors, valves, and motors. It is engineered to work with multiple signal detection devices and allows users to expand or reduce the number of input/output channels by adding or removing expansion modules according to specific requirements. URConnecT can be applied in various fields, such as surveillance systems, industrial automation, and parameter monitoring for data processing in central computer systems.
Key Technology Features
- Supported up to five expansion modules, allowing flexible configuration of analog and digital input/output signals. The number of input/output channels depends on the type of expansion module used.
- Compatible with a wide range of signal detection devices through expansion modules.
- Functions as an IoT device, capable of integrating with NETPIE or NEXPIE platforms.
- Features Forward Addressing and Modbus Gateway, enabling seamless data transfer from Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP (Modbus RTU to TCP Converter).
The Real-Time IoT-Based Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Monitoring System is currently undergoing field testing and is being promoted for commercial licensing, allowing companies to manufacture and distribute the technology.
Key Technology Features
- Support up to – 3 OEEs (basic package) and 5 OEEs (premium package)
- 10 Counters (( 4 Isolated and 6 Non-Isolated)
- 15 Digital Inputs ( 6 Isolated and 9 Non-Isolated)
- MQTT (both client and broker)
- Barcode scanner support for recording/executing functions, eg. Specifying breakdown reasons, entering/exiting unplanned break/setup, changing production model, etc
- On- device dashboard with capability to send data to On-cloud dashboard
International Journals
- J. Kudtongngam , K. Sangkarak, P. Lopattanakij, P. Liutanakul and V. Chunkag, “Implementation of Automatic Interleaving and Load Current Sharing Technique Using Single Interleaving Bus”, IET Power Electronics, Volume 9, Issue 7, 09 June 2016, pp. 1496-1504
- J. Kudtongngam , P. Liutanakul and V. Chunkag, “Automatic interleaving technique using single interleaving bus for paralleling power converters”, IET Power Electronics, 2015, Volume 8, Issue 8, pp. 1519-1530
- J. Suwatthikul, S. Sornmuang, T. Yaemglin, I. Cheowanish, and C. Supavasuthi, “Experimental investigation into vibration characteristics for damage minimization in a lapping process,” Shock and Vibration, vol. 2016, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/4836516
International Conferences
- S. Thirachai, P. Komeswarakul, U. Supakchukul and J. Suwatthikul, Trapezoidal velocity trajectory generator with speed override capability, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2010 (ICCAS 2010) Oct. 27-30, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
- J. Suwatthikul and S. Thirachai, Seismic event trigger using fuzzy inference systems, , International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2010 (ICCAS 2010) Oct. 27-30, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
- P. Kajoijilertsakul, S. Asawasripongtorn, P. Sanposh, J. Suwatthikul, and H. Fujita, Modeling and Simulation of 500 kV Transmission network for numerical fault calculation, detection, using PSCAD/EMTDC, 2011 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011), Mar. 2011, Wuhan, China.
- S. Sornmuang and J. Suwatthikul, Detection of a motor bearing shield fault using neural networks, 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- N. Kitbutrawat, P. Lopattanakij, P. Tiwatthanont, S. Thirachai, and J. Suwatthikul, Sensor drift detection by utilizing multi-sensor signals, 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- J. Suwatthikul and S. Sornmuang, Fault detection and diagnosis of a motor bearing shield, 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, Sep. 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
- S. Thirachai, J. Suwatthikul, and S. Sornmuang, Searching algorithm for hypocenter location in convex polygon boundaries, 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- P. Tiwatthanont, P. Lopattanakij, N. Kitbutrawat, J. Suwatthikul, U. Lewlomphaisarl, Flexible, adaptable and cost-effective seismometer with Linux-based embedded systems, 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- Kudtongngam, J., Tiwatthanont, P. ; Lewlomphaisarl, U., The development of high performance Remote Terminal Unit using RT-Linux for distribution system (SICE2009), Aug. 2009, Japan
- Lewlomphaisarl, U., Ekkachai, K. ; Suksomboon, K. ; Kudtongngam, J. ; Laungnarutai, W. ; Supakchukul, U. ; Komeswarakul, P. ; Thirachai, S. ; Karukanan, S. ; Saengsatcha, P. ; Jomtarax, A. ; Tungpimolrut, K., Design and implementation of the behavior inspection system for Rajjaprabha Dam (SICE2009), Aug. 2009, Japan
- Sangkarak, K., Kudtongngam, J. ; Lewlomphaisarl, U., Magnitude estimation algorithm in seismic data acquisition application (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- Tiwatthanont, P., Lopattanakij, P. ; Kitbutrawat, N. ; Suwatthikul, J. ; Lewlomphaisarl, U., Flexible, adaptable and cost-effective seismometer with Linux-based embedded system: R-NON (SICE2011), Sep. 2011, Japan.
- P. Pimporn, S. Kittipiyakul, J. Kudtongngam and H. Fujita, “Missing Value Estimation of Energy Consumption of Multi-Unit Air Conditioners using Artificial Neural Networks”, International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology & International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (ICESIT-ICICTES), 2018, pp. 1-5
- S. Thirachai and J. Suwatthikul, “A suffcient condition for separate dimensions of TDOA estimation,” Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, pp. 347– 350, 2012.
- S. Sornmuang, J. Suwatthikul, and S. Thirachai, “Leak detection of pipeline using a hybrid of Neural-Adaptive Tabu Search algorithm,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 531–534, 2014.
- S. Thirachai, S. Sornmuang, and J. Suwatthikul, “High resolution time delay estimator of transient detection using non-uniform sampling model based parameter estimator,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 1576–1580, 2014.
- Industrial prototype: DNP3 Subset Level 1 in distribution automation system
- Industrial prototype: Remote terminal unit for distribution automation system with fault detection algorithm built-in Real-time Linux operating system
- Industrial prototype: Protocol management gateway for distribution automation system
- Industrial prototype: Remote terminal unit for distribution water work
- Industrial prototype: Networks for data acquisition and communication of water pressure in dams
- Industrial prototype: Pressure controller for air leak detector
- Industrial prototype: Hydro-meteorology station
- Industrial prototype: Digital Seismometer
- Method and apparatus of tipping bucket rain gauge,
- Method and apparatus for fibre optic communication
- Method and apparatus for high impedance fault detection and location in distribution systems
- Method and apparatus for Automatic Interleaving in Parallel Power Supply
- Method and apparatus for estimating seismic signal
- Method of identifying fault location for CAN bus network wiring harness with Hardware-In-the-Loop
- Method for reducing noise from multiple seismic sensors
Members & Expertise
- Kumpee Suksomboon : Micro-controller programming, Analog and digital design
- Jasada Kudtongngam, Ph.D : Energy Management, Demand Response System
- Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan, PhD : Scenario-based simulation, Machine Vision, Signal classification
- Jirayut Phontip : Analog and digital design, Power electronics
- Arnan Jomtarax : Circuit & PCB design
- Jaturawit Janpaiboon : Automotive Electronics, Robotics, Electronic Circuit Design, openADR
- Montri Chatpoj : Embedded System Design, IoT, Automotive Electronics, Electronic Circuit Design
- Nathavuth Kitbutrawat : Linux programming
- Patin Pongkacha : Automotive Electronics, Embedded Systems Design, IoT
- Kittipong Sangkarak : Analog design, Programing Microcontroller
- Pakorn Lopattanakij : Linux programming, Microcontroller HW & SW, Digital & Analog circuit design, Solidwork Fundamental
- Paramarporn Jinthanakorn : Database design, Program developer Java framework
- Rungtip Nuntawattanasirichai : System analyst, Program developer Java framework
- Sutiwat Khamhaeng : Expertise in Web Application Development, IoT, and Cloud Computing.
Intelligent SCADA Technology Research Team (IST)
Intelligent Systems Research Group (INSRG)
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