The language barrier is a major problem for today’s global communication. Existing technologies like automatic text translation as well as speech input/output can now be a seed for an innovative technology called speech-to-speech translation, where speech in a source language can be translated to speech in a target language.
Under the collaboration among 8 Asian countries; Thailand, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, India, and Singapore, in the name “Asian Speech Translation Advance Research Consortium (A-STAR)”, a network-based speech translation system has been developed. The system facilitates people to talk to each other by using their own mother-tongue language. Member countries set up basic speech translation components including automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) for their own languages, and statistical machine translation (SMT) between their languages to English or others. The prototype Internet-based engine links web services of such basic components, forming a speech translator for 8 languages plus English.
Client applications can be in many forms such as voice-interfaced instant messengers with a translation service, and a peer-to-peer software that helps translation between two languages. Although the current system has been built particularly for the travel domain, modification to other domains requires only the development of a domain-specific database. This happens to be useful in many application areas e.g. tourism, multi-cultural communication, social networking, international conference and business.

Key Features
- Speech translation among 8 Asian languages (Thai, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Malay, and Hindi) and English
- For the Thai-English pair developed by NECTEC, the system recognizes 14,000 Thai words and 21,000 English words in the travel domain. Users are allowed to speak any sentence based on recognizable words.
- Ubiquitous computing via the Internet interface
- Less than 5 seconds/transaction on the normal Internet condition
- Overall translation accuracy varies between 60-90% depending on the speaking environment and style Domain, environment, and speaker adaptability and scalability

- Intelligent Informatics Research Unit (INIRU)
- E-mail: iniru@nectec.or.th