What is OGDaaS?
The Open Government Data as a Service Platform (OGDaaS) is a cloud-based platform that creates data APIs and services from existing datasets in open government data portals. The platform creates RESTFul Web API for every dataset validated as well-formed tabular data. The API creation process is automatic and requires no intervention from data publisher. The data APIs allows application developers to query and aggregate data in the datasets in a dynamic fashion. The platform also promotes the datasets to 4-star open data, i.e., RDF format. This creates opportunities for creating linked open government data in future phase. The platform also provides self-service data querying and reporting applications to improve accessibility and engagement of open government data for the citizens.

Winner of Thailand ICT Awards (TICTA) 2017 in Government & Public Sector Category
Innovation Statement
- Decentralized and scalable architecture (cloud-based service)
- Built on RDF standard (4-star open data)
- Self-serviced data querying and report generation
- Automatic RESTful data APIs creation from spreadsheets
- Dataset validation
- RDF data generation
- Query and report generation application
- API transaction log
Target Customers:
- Government or enterprise that wants to provide value-added services for existing open data can benefit from the OGDaaS platform.
Developed by:
- Language and Semantic Technology Laboratory
- National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
- In partnership with:
- Electronic Government Agency (Public Organization) (EGA)
- Dr. Marut Buranarach
- email: marut.bur[at]nectec.or.th
- Tel.66-02-564-6900 ext. 2258