Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has currently owned fourteen large dams constructed for irrigation, flood prevention, power generation and so forth. In order to ensure dam safety, EGAT has monitored dam behavior through its dam safety program since 1982 and has been improving the processes according to the international standards, one of which was to initiate an automated Dam Safety Remote Monitoring System (DS-RMS) in 2013. DS-RMS is a collaborative project among EGAT, Geotechnical Engineering Research and Development Center – Kasetsart University (GERD-KU), and National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC). The main objective is to automate conventional acquisition of safety-related measurements so that comprehensive information are remotely obtained in realtime. Fourteen dams across the country and the central office are equipped with reliable remote terminal units (RTUs), communication links, computer servers and advanced monitoring software as shown in Fig. 1 and 2.

Measured dam behavior data is processed and displayed in various views and axis combinations such as Plan View, Section View, Time History and Cause and Effect for easy interpretation and analysis. Apart from online monitoring, the measurements from both automatic and manual dam behavior, hydrometeorological and seismic instruments are utilized by the Expert System to provide concerned staff with relevant prediction, guidance and warning about possible failures. The system will reassure EGAT and the nearby public especially the downstream communities that the safety-related conditions of the dams are thoroughly monitored.
Measurements from 14 dams across the country can be monitored and analyzed continuously and remotely. Early and preventive actions can be conducted to prevent further serious failures.
- 40 RTUs and 239 instruments
- 296 webpages for decision making room
- Real-time remote data transmission via TCP/IP communication
- 32-bit Microcontroller
- 8 channels 24-bit delta-sigma ADC
- Analog isolation to minimize ground loop problem
- Super fast redundant fiber optics connection
- Real-time remote data transmission via TCP/IP
- Parameters: Observation Well (OW), Piezometer (OPZ), temp, humid, evaporation, etc.
How to use
Data can be monitored via a web browser and different data presentations can be configured.
- Intelligent SCADA Laboratory (ISL)
- Advanced Automation and Electronics Research Unit (AAERU)
- E-mail: isl@nectec.or.th
More information
- Business Development and Technology Transfer (BTT)
- National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC).
- Tel: +662 564 6900 ext 2346, 2351-2354, 2357, 2382, 2383, 2399
- E-mail: business@nectec.or.th