NECTEC organized a workshop “Landslide Preparedness in the ASEAN Member States”

The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) organized a workshop, “Landslide Preparedness in the ASEAN Member States: A Data Fusion Approach to Real-time Monitoring System and Information Management Workshop,” during 21-22 March 2018 in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. The workshop aimed to visit landslide-prone areas in Chiang Mai Province and to strengthen strategic collaboration among academia, research institutions, and networks of centers of excellence in ASEAN. In addition, this workshop can be considered as one of the results from a submitted research proposal entitled “Real-time Monitoring Based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Landslide-prone Areas.” The project proposal was endorsed by the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST) in 2017 with the financial support from the ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Fund (ASTIF).
The workshop included representatives from nine ASEAN Member States (AMS). All participants visited a field site where NECTEC weather station was installed at Doi Pui Tribal Village, Chiang Mai Province. Experience sharing, brainstorming, discussion sessions on common challenges in landslide risk management in Asian countries and networking were conducted to fulfill and achieve the project purposes throughout the workshop.

April-30-2018 14:15