NECTEC researcher delivered “Artificial Intelligence Application in Cyber-Physical System” in ASEAN Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for the 4th Industrial Revolution
Upon recognition of NECTEC renowned expertise in the field of Software Security, Dr. Chalee Vorakulpipat, researcher from Information Security Research Team (SEC) of NECTEC was invited to deliver and share views on the “Artificial Intelligence Application in Cyber-Physical System” in “AI on Cyber Security” session of the ASEAN Workshop on 4th Industrial Revolution: AI Implementation in Energy Efficiency, Cyber Security and Agriculture hosted by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (RISTEK-BRIN) on 24 November 2020.
Dr. Chalee was a representative from Thailand to present academic perspective with other speakers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan.

The main purpose of this workshop was to stimulate and enhance the workforce readiness and private sector engagement in Southeast Asia Nations through delivering comprehensive workshop program for the participants at ASEAN Workshop on 4th Industrial Revolution. This workshop was approved by the 76th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI-76). More information, please visit