On 16th December 2021, Dr. Suporn Pongnumkul, Senior Researcher of Data Science and Analytics Research Group (DSARG), was invited as a speaker in APEC Symposium on Capacity Building for Digital Innovation using Block-chain Technology, organized by Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Guangdong Low Carbon Association, People’s Republic of China, for sharing her works along with knowledge toward a topic of “Blockchain in Food Traceability”.
First, Dr. Suporn presented her work regarding “A Review of Blockchain in Thailand”, which demonstrated that blockchain activities in Thailand started with industry projects, after that blockchain courses were offered, and blockchain research were published. Furthermore, there are still a tiny number of relevant research articles and a gap between research and industry projects.
Following that, she provided information related to “A Blockchain-based Traceability System for Thai Coffee” as an example of a blockchain-based food traceability platform, which is going to be deployed with a real Thai coffee industry. Regarding to this research, it will benefit to coffee growers, millers, roasters as well as coffee drinkers to easily trace their coffee back and forward by just scanning QR codes on a mobile application. In a case of this work, it was received good interests from many participants within this symposium.