Duration of Project: Until March 2000 Line Speed: 2 Mbps and to be expanded Applications: 12 proposals approved Research Topics:
- RSVP Backbone Establishment
- Measurement of Performance
- MBone (Global High Performance Multicasting)
- Caching (Global Hierarchical Caching)
- End to End Performance and Evaluation of Service Quality on the ATM Network
- GEO-Giga Net
- Cancer Center Collaboration
- Development of Teleconference System in Spinal Surgery
- Distributed Virtual Reality Conference
- Tele-conference Experiment on ICOIN-12
- Real-time VLBI Experiment
- Ionospheric Data Exchange Using Multimedia Environment
Japan-Singapore Joint Research
Duration of Project: Until March 2001 Line Speed: 2 Mbps Applications: 9 proposals approved Research Topics:
- RSVP Backbone Establishment
- Network Performance Measurements and Characterization
- MBone
- Network Interoperablility Testing
- IPv6 Protocol and other Internet technologies
- MVL (Multimedia Virtual Laboratory)
- Tele-medicine Experiment
- Bioinformatics Applications
- Advanced Multimedia Applications
Korea-Singapore Joint Research
Duration of Project: Start 1999 Until March 2001 Line Speed: 2 Mbps Applications: 9 proposals approved Research Topics:
- Development of Integrated Network Management System for APII Test-bed
- A Tele-seminar over ATM network
- Teleconference System for Orthopedic Surgical Simulation System
- Metacomputing Experiment Connecting Supercomputers of Korea and Singapore
- Test of APII Test-bed and Development of High Quality Internet Services
- RSVP Backbone Establishment
- Wireless Broadband Application Development Based on Wideband CDMA
At present, details related to the project are being discussed.