พระเจ้าเฮนรีที่ 8 แห่งอังกฤษ |
I'm sure that you 've heard of King Henry VIII of England He had six wives.
1. Katherine of Aragon
She came from Spain She was Catholic. She married King Henry and was Queen of England for 24 years then divorced.
Son : Henry, Prince of Wales, died when he was 7 weeks old.
Daudgter: Princess Mary , later became Queen of England for 5 years.
2. Anne Boleyn
King Henry VIII set up the Church of England so that he could divorce Katherine of Aragon and married Anne. Their marriage lasted only three and a half years. Later she was sent to the Tower of London and was beheaded.
Daughter: Princess Elizabeth, later became Queen of England for 45 years
Son: died in the womb.
( behead = cut off the head usually by punishment = ถูกลงโทษโดยการตัดหัว )
3. Jane Seymour
KIng Henry VIII married her 10 days after Anne's death. She died after she gave birth to her son 12 days.
Son: King Edward, died before his 16th birthday.
4. Anne of Cleves
She 's German. King Henry VIII divorced her after they were married for 6 months. She spent the rest of her life in England. They didn't have any sons or daughters.
5. Katherine Howard
She was 18 when she married King Henry who was 49. She was sent to the Tower of London and was beheaded there.
6. Catherine Parr
She was 31 when she married King Henry VIII. After King Henry VIII died, she married Thomas Seymour, Jane Seymour's brother.
King Henry VIII died in 1547.
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Referecces: Henry VIII and his six wives by Janet Hardy-Gould
( ภาพ Anne Boleyn วาดโดย ด.ช. ธวัช ยั่งยืน นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมปีที่ 3/2 โรงเรียน
ยานนาเวศวิทยาคม เขตสาทร กรุงเทพ )
โดย : นางสาว เกษรา กำภูมิประเสริฐ, โรงเรียนยานนาเวศวิทยาคม, วันที่ 9 มีนาคม 2545