มนุษยสัมพันธ์ ( Program7) |
Development our personality
One early morning , Toey come to school with his few friends and discuss about having lunch together before the final exam . Toey ask this idea to the counselor and this idea were approved . The counselor. Would like to help by giving away some money for this lunch . Then Toey and friends are grouped together and discuss what kind of food should that be. There are many different ideas given by different people. However , there are some people who give no opinion one-by-one . Toy was the first one to go and suggest to bring noodles. Suddenly, before Toy finish her speech, many friends rejected Toys idea and that upset Toy. Then Jane suggest to do the chicken curry made by her mom. Friends are agreed. Toy, who s upsetting saying out that Jane arraying and friends are
not fair to her cause her to cry.
Toey decide for everyone to vote and which decision sets the highest votes would be it. And Naree suggest to bring own food for eat together .We has eaten many kind of food and counselor must not pay money for our food . Naree gets the highest vote with everyone respect to the group decision.
โดย : นาง พวงทิพย์ ศิริเจริญ, โรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษาพัฒนาการ, วันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2545 |