Á¹ØÉÂÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì ( Program6) |
solving conflicts
Malee is elected as a leader seventh grade student , she is very cute girl , pay good attention to anyone who talks to her . So she ’s loved by her parents and teachers . including friend in the class room
This morning . Malee follow Manee in to the classroom . Then Ann suddenly blame Manee that Manee lack of responsible Manee didn’t clean the room which supposed to be 2 persons Ann and Manee . Ann continue that Manee promised her yesterday that she will come and clean the room . Manee almost cry and say that today her car got flat tired and that’s why she’s late.
Malee is listening carefully with sincere to both Manee and Ann . She understand that Manee ‘s house is for away and Ann ‘s house is very close to school that why she always be the first one coming to school . Malee decided to solve the program by seperation the responsibility for instances, Manee ‘s house is far away, so she should do this cleaning
of blackboard and get up teacher’s table after each class or do the cleaning only in the evening . For those whose house is closer to school, should do the cleaning in the morning . After she said that , others students are agreed and gladly follow her advice
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