Á¹ØÉÂÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ì ( Program5) |
sharing sincerity to others in the right time
Cherry ’s family is the middle class family . Father is a business man while Mother is a good cooker and doing the food business with the famous department store in Bangkok .Cherry’s mom always ask to bring food to his friends and teachers at school. But Cherry pretend to forget since Cherry doesn’t like to share any thing including food and toys.New Year day is coming , students are allowed to set up the party at school . Everyone would have to bring any food to school each. So they can share the food also a gift one per each. So , they can exchange as a same , also the new year cards for friends and all.
New Year party day, all seventh grade students are bringing food and gifts and place on the table in the room . Then join the group , dancing , some giving new yeat cards to friends . When the lunch time come , students are joining lunch time with happiness. Cherry come the last one after cruising around other rooms , Cherry didn’t bring any food or gift but noone say a word. Students are enjoying talking to each other and that’s make Cherry enjoy too. After a while Lilly who seems to be the leader of the room let the students to teade the gifts and ask her room mate to read out the wish from others. Lilly seems to get the most wishes from friends, she read it out loud and other enjoy following her . On the other hand , Cherry just move himself to the window side with sadly face . Lilly notice that and ask whether Cherry is alright or not . Cherry ‘s eyes goes red like going to cry. He talks like envying Lilly that got a lot of wishs from friends but be got none . Then Lilly says that “The reason friends love her because she share things with others . If Cherry would want friends to like you, you have to show your sincerity and share to them. Cherry want out off the room and come back with huge pack of candies . Cherry said that he doesn’t have wishes to anyone, he bring candies for the substitute of his wishes .Friends are happy and wish him happiness also.
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