มนุษยสัมพันธ์ ( Program3) |
Keeping relationship (Part 1)
The last day of the end of the semester , a group of seventh grade students are brain storming inside the one of all seventh grade students. The group consists of Tum , Teen , and Tee . All three are very closed to each other . They live in the same street . Teen s house is a very big beautiful house located in the beginning of the street. Tees house is the middle house with little area located in the middle of the street . Tum s house is a small one stay house in the back street not very convenience to get in.
Tum is am orphant as Teen that live with his mom who is the lower officer as her job . Tum has two little brothers . The first one is in fifth grade student , the second one is in third grade student . Tum s doing excellent in school he always get the top grade for english subject . He usually do the part time job by delivering newspaper in order to help the expense of his mom during summerbreak. Last summer , he bought his own bicycle from doing that.
Tee is in the middle class family, his parents work for the government . Tee study hard but car crash accident. The worst subject is english, however he try very hard to help himself. Therefore three of them are agreed to help each other by : Tum and Tee will take care of Teen s mom , so Teen can concentreat more on studying. Moreover Tum will help Tee study mote especially on english subject. Finally Tee ask his aunt to find a well paid job that suit Tum during summer break. All there of them are happy and glad to help each other out.
Please, follow Promgram 4 NEXT
โดย : นาง พวงทิพย์ ศิริเจริญ, โรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษาพัฒนาการ, วันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2545 |