                                          How to Praise Others 1
                         In the beginning of the second semester, all classes usually  have a dancing competition. The group of grade 10 room 5 is one of the nominees. They practice at  every lunch break, since the music is so loud. Other students tend to pay more   attention to the group. There is a group of students gossiping in the front of the room criticizing the dancing moves of the practicing team, some good, some bad, but the  overall comments are positive. However there is another group of grade 10 room 8, also attending the competition, staring the move of grade 10 with the grin look and criticizing them badly. One of the member in the grade 10 room 8 group even said “ not only the moves themselves  are horrible , the people look bad too.” The time passes by, each group keep practicing harder the situation is tense, the group of grade 10 room 5 always got praises by their well united team , unlike the grade 10 room 8 that got low in morale and got a fight in the team all the time. Then the show day has come, the grade 10 room 5 wins. The grade 10 room 8 feel guilty for talking behind about grade 10 room 5 badly, they congratulate the grade10r oom 5 with   heirheart.



ที่มา : By Puangthip Siricharoen

โดย : นาง พวงทิพย์ ศิริเจริญ, โรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษาพัฒนาการ, วันที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2547