

You gave me all of my life to do as I please…

I have mother…

Sweet mother of mine…

It is an old song but I love it very much. The song tells me about a woman who gives everything for her children. Whenever I listen to his song, I think of my mother. I think my mother will become the friend who I have never ever had. Whenever I look into her eyes, it is like a warm light shining into my heart. She is the best teacher and the best friend at the same time. Sometimes if I make a mistake she will give me very useful advice and encouragement, especially when I have some problems at school. I feel lucky to have such a good mother and I’m not ashamed of telling my mother now that I am very proud of her and I love her so much.

ที่มา : Student-Weekly

โดย : นางสาว ทัศนีย์ พรหมอารักษ์, สถาบันราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, วันที่ 28 สิงหาคม 2546