Research Assistant

Research Areas

  • Web programming and design
  • Database management system
  • Visualization


  • Haruechaiyasak, C., Kongthon, A., Palingoon, P. and Trakultaweekoon, K., “S-Sense: A Sentiment Analysis Framework for Social Media Sensing,” In Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2013 Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP), 2013, pp. 6-13.
  • Akkharawoot TAKHOM, Kanokorn TRAKULTAWEEKOON, Ananlada CHOTIMONGKOL, Peerachet PORKAEW, Sanooch Segkhoonthod NA-THALANG and Thepchai SUPNITHI, "EAGLE: an Error tAGger for Learners of English". In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, 2011.
  • Kongthon, A., Kongyoung, S., Sangkeettrakarn, C., and Haruechaiyasak, C., “Thailand’s Tourism Information Service based on Semantic Search and Opinion Mining,” in Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2010), pp. 1109-11
  • Haruechaiyasak, C., Thaiprayoon, S., and Kongthon, A.,“Expertise Mapping Based on a Bibliographic Keyword Annotation Model,” ICADL 2010, pp. 256-257.
  • Haruechaiyasak, C., Thaiprayoon, S., and Kongthon, A.,“Expertise Mapping Based on a Bibliographic Keyword Annotation Model,” ICADL 2010, pp. 256-257.
  • Supnithi T., Klaithin S. and Trakultaweekoon K., "", International Joint Conference on Knowledge Science (IJCKS 2007), November 2007, pp. 1-5.