The development of NECTEC Linux-SIS 4.0

นายสาดิศย์ เสถียรไพศาล
วิศวกรระบบ/ผู้ช่วยนักวิจัย หน่วยปฏิบัติการวิจัยและพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีเครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์

ABSTRACT -- The Internet is becoming popular for everyone. One of the most useful aspects of using the Internet is education where students now do not have to only rely on their teachers as the input source. Schools in rural areas can use the Internet to improve the learning process. In order for these schools to get connected to the Internet, one of the important components is the server software. This software provides a number of services to the client machines such as mail service, file sharing, proxy service and IP address management. Commercial Internet server software available in the market is often expensive. LINUX is an effort to provide free Internet server software. This paper details the development of NECTEC's Internet server software called LINUX-SIS (SIS stands for School Internet Server), which has now in its second generation where a number of new features are included to make the software more versatile.

KEYWORDS -- Internet server, open source, LINUX

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
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