Issues in Thai Text-to-Speech Synthesis : The NECTEC Approach

Pradit Mittrapiyanuruk, Chatchawarn Hansakunbuntheung, Virongrong Tesprasit and Virach Sornlertlamvanich
Information R&D Division,
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
(pmittrap, chatchawarnh), (virong, virach)

ABSTRACT -- This paper presents all the essential issues in developing the text-to-speech synthesis for Thai - text analysis, prosody generation and speech synthesis. In the text analysis, problems in Thai text processing can be decomposed into the models of sentence extraction, phrase boundary determination and grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. The syllable duration and F0 contour generation rules are included in the prosody generation. This is to realize the synthetic speech in the suprasegmental level. In the speech synthesis, the definition and the construction of acoustic inventory structure 'demisyllable' are presented. Furthermore, three signal-processing algorithms, amplitude normalization, the segment boundary smoothing and prosodic modification, are also presented in this topic.

KEYWORDS -- Thai text-to-speech synthesis, text analysis, prosody generation, speech synthesis, demisyllable

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
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