Using Laser Plotter to Draw Graphic Picture

ผศ. พิพัฒน์ โชคสุวัฒนสกุล, เสมียน พรหมงาม, ธาตรี นิกรรัมย์, จิระนาถ ขาวเมืองน้อย , อวิรุทธิ์ โพธิชัย
ภาควิชาฟิสิกส์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น

ABSTRACT -- There are many applications using laser as a tool for cutting, drilling or marking many kinds of non- metallic materials such as cloth, leather, acryric, wood and etc. We are now developing our software and hardware to control plotter as a laser marking tool. This laser plotter can not only use as an ordinary plotter but also can use to cut, draw or mark any pictures appear on the monitor screen. The quality of the marking picture is the same as the picture showing on the screen. Most of the processes are controlled by software instead of hardware. This laser plotter can mark with difference depth of any parts of a picture file by controlling plotter speed and/or laser power. The power of laser can be controlled by software with 256 levels. Of cause, our software and hardware must be used together to do these jobs.

KEYWORDS -- Laser, Plotter

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
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