Leading Thailand into a new era

The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) is a funding and research organization established under the "Science and Technology Development Act of B.E. 2534" on December 30, 1991. An autonomous organization operating under the policy guidance of its Board, chaired by the Minister of Science, Techno-logy and Environment, NSTDA effectively brings together under one roof a funding office and three national research centers formerly in the Ministry of Science, Techno-logy and Environment, namely: Office of the National Science and Technology Development Board, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NCGEB), National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) and National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC).

Established to be a major "driving force" for rapid science and technology (S&T) development in support of national economic and social policies, NSTDA has a dual role: that of a supporting and of an implementing agency. Support is given to both public and private sectors in the three main areas of the national research centers, and includes research funding, information services through the Technical Information Access Center (TIAC), institution-strengthening programs and human resource development through a substantial number of scholarships, both local and overseas. Implementation involves in-house research, development and engineering (RD&E) in the three Institutes' areas, preferably on demand from industry, and services to meet the latter's needs e.g. technical services, consultancy and training courses.

Apart from inducing RD&E through giving support and implementing RD&E by in-house activities, NSTDA will also invest in RD&E, which includes technology upgrade of the private sector, S&T commercialization and investment in technology ventures.

In order to catalyze a tripartite co-operation among the private sector, academic institutions and NSTDA, the agency is setting up a Science and Technology, Research and Development Park (STRDP), to start construction in 1994 at Rangsit, north of Bangkok. Among other facilities, the site will house technology and business incubators, the main NSTDA Office Building and the three national Research Centers. The Park aims to attract high-value international and local investment, and to develop networking to provide benefits to the private sector as well as to educational and research institutes. For example, assistance in technology transfer, identification of specialists, markets, potential partners, and opportunities for commercialization and for attracting more RD&E funding. Inevitably the Park will also provide the base camp from which NSTDA can launch all its operations and activities.

For further details on NSTDA and its three national centers, contact:

        The Public Relations Department
        National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
        18th Floor, Gypsum Metropolitan Building
        Sri-Ayudhya Road, Bangkok 10400
        Tel.: +66 2 248-7541/8
        Fax:  +66 2 248-7549
        E-mail: yongyuth@nwg.nectec.or.th

Next Chapter: NSTDA's Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (NCGEB)