This page was last updated on 30th March, 1998.
National IT Projects in Thailand | |
See also Bill Gate's letter to Thailand on 18th February 1998. Thaweesak Koanantakool, Ph.D., ACGI
IntroductionIn the middle of economic crisis in Thailand, one may wonder if Thailand has any future or competitiveness in IT after the year 2000. There are so many activities in the neighbouring countries that people begin to ask "How Thailand would progress along our national IT policy of Thailand (IT-2000)?" Lacking the super hype activities, Thailand has in fact initiated many national-level projects which are aimed at the use of IT to raise the standard of living and quality of live of the people. We will look at some of these projects in this article. The aim of this article is to bring up all the small parts of national IT development into perspective and focus all of them into one clear collective objective of Thailand, the IT-2000. In May 1997, the government led by General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh approved the budget commitment of about 4.2 billion baht for three major IT projects collectively titled IT Projects for national Development. These projects are Software Park, GINet (Government Information network) and ThaiSarn-III (Thai Social/Scientific, Academic and Research Network Third Generation). The projects are initiated by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center as part of the Thai government's IT policy. NECTEC is the secretariat office of the National IT Committee (NITC) which is formally chaired by the Prime Minister. Much of the groundwork to this cabinet's commitment was due to the efforts of the current NITC chairman, Mr. Sompong Amornvivat, M.P. and Minister to the Prime Minister's Office. NECTEC is a quasi-government organization under the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. We will also look at these new projects in detail.
IT-2000 as the FoundationA systematic approach to IT development Thailand was formally started five years ago (1992), when the Prime Minister then (Mr. Anand Panyarachun) founded the National IT Committee (NITC) to look after the promotion of IT usage and IT development in Thailand. NITC activated nine sub-committees to look into strategic areas for national IT development. Several initiatives have taken place in the past four years, while the master plan was being studied and synthesized by five sectoral expert groups. Finally, the plan has been approved by the government as well as by the NESDB (National Economic and Social Development Board) as part of the Eight National Economic and Social Development Plan. IT-2000 plan consists of three main "pillars" which are identified as the supporting infrastructure for national development through the use of IT. They are: (i) to build an equitable national information infrastructure, (ii) to invest in people, and (iii) to enhance government services and forge a strong information industry:
Plans and ActionsHere is the summary of what are already happening in Thailand right now to make sure that we will be completing the ground work for IT-2000, classified by the three proposed pillars of the IT-2000 plan. It is expected that a more "concerted effort" for global publicity of these activities are much interested by the current government. They are indeed the positive forces required to help economic recovery of the country.
Agenda 1. Build an Equitable National Information Infrastructure
Agenda 2. Invest in People
Agenda 3. Enhance Government Services and Forge a Strong Information Industry
Highlights of the Recent Government "National" Projects
ThaiSarn-IIIThaiSarn Project, the Thai Social-Scientific, Academic and Research Network, was initiated in 1991 to support the needs of universities to contact and retrieve information from their international academic circles around the world. ThaiSarn-I, ie. The first generation network, began with only 9,600 bits per second (about 1,000 characters per second) speed for information transfer between Thailand and the rest of the world. Later it was enlarged to multiple 64 kbps links and in 1995, 512 Kbps link, with the number of downstream sites around 40 organizations. The Internet traffic among the academic users increased dramatically as in 1996 the total number of host computers connected to the Internet in Thailand went above 10,000 units, ThaiSarn's bandwidth was quickly become a bottleneck just like its own funding from the Thai Government regular budget. Thanks to the sibling organizations of NECTEC which are under NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency) and NACSIS (National Center for Scientific Information System) in Japan, new grants were made available to expand ThaiSarn to reach the outside world at 4 megabits per seconds in 1996. The provisions were named as ThaiSarn-II to denote its second-generation status. ThaiSarn-II became a faster network with new service levels:
The new ThaiSarn-III initiative starts in FY1998 (2541) budget, with a budget of 376 million baht from the government covering the next four years. The project objectives are to make sure that ThaiSarn network can cope with the heavy growth of demand of the users from all parts of the country: both in terms of increase in data volume and geographical coverage. This modest budget no longer covers the need of all universities anymore as it wil be supplementing Ministry of University Affairs "IT Campus" Project with the budget of about 8 times larger.
Both projects, ThaiSarn-III and the IT-Campus were developed in close
coordination by the respective project teams and are made to complement
each other's goals in terms of geographical coverage; networking experts
and learning resources for tele-education services such as the
ThaiSarn-III will be running its backbone on ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) technology at the speed of 155 to 620 megabits per second. The technology chosen is the most popular solutions for this kind of applications. Specifically, in FY1998, ThaiSarn-III will be linked to at least one university at the speed of 155 Mbps. In addition, NECTEC's hub will also be linked to MUA's IT Campus gateway at the same speed to ensure that any university can reach both ThaiSarn and IT-Campus networks at all time. NECTEC's training room at the Bangkok Thai Tower is also equipped with tele-education equipment that is compaitble with the world standard and is capable ot teaching for any remote classroom in the IT-Campus project (and vice versa).
The number of high-speed links will be extended to 9 sites in the year
2001, when the IT-Campus reaches 30 provinces throughout Thailand.
However, due the the present reliant of universities to ThaiSarn, it is
utmost important to make sure that ThaiSarn is well capacitated while the
new "superhighway" is being constructed in the next 1-2 years.
Another most important contribution of ThaiSarn-III project to the nation
is to make itself a reliable backbone for many other new academic
networks being incubated in Ministry of Education, Ratcahbhat Institute,
Ratchamongkol Institute. All of these new academic networks share the
common ancestor: ThaiSarn-I.
The study recommended that one way to help develop software industry in
Thailand is to set up a software park (SP) to support and sharpen the
potentials of domestic software industry to an international level in
terms of quality and capability. SP will be the center for all types of
necessary facilities, amenities, resources and training. It will be the
center for high-speed telecommunications, training, consultancy,
high-technology automation of offices as well as business cluster for
softwa re businesses.
The facilities will attract both local and international businesses
related to software including software and hardware vendors, training
companies, system integrators, multimedia products and content producers,
etc. In this regard, the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand is
playing a crucial role in providing economic privileges to many of the
software companies both inside and outside of the SP. Special privileges
are also given to companies that wants to set up another software
park. Details.
Software park will have both the physical facilities and facilities in
cyberspace to help with training and technology transfer as well as being
a marketplace for software producers and customers.
SP will provide six core service centers for tanants. These centers are:
Business Information Center; Training Center; Information Technology
Center; Software Tool Application Center; Validation and Verification
Center; and Telecommunications and OSI Compliance Testing Center.
In the short term, SP will operate as an incubator facility with a
permanent office that help support all the necessary functions of the
park including public relations, information services, facility services,
fund raising, etc. In the long term, SP will operate more as an
industrial park much like the existing software park in operation in many
other countries today.
Administration of SP is expected to be based on non-government management
of the park. This may be in the form of granting management rights to
companies to run the park or forming new companies to run the park.
Revenue for the running of the park will be from renting of office
space, and other commercial services to the users within the park.
Companies that are allowed into the park will be selected by a review
board setting up by the management of the park, primarily only software
related firms will be allowed.
Software companies will be attracted to SP on special promotion programme
initiated by the Board of Investment. These privileges are: (i)
permission to bring in foreign technicians and experts to work in
promoted projects (ii) tax incentives for project located in Zone 1 and 2
(Bangkok and surrounding provinces in terms of exemption of import duties
on machinery and equipment and exemption of corporate income tax and
income tax on dividend for the first 8 years after the start of
GINet is a nation-wide high capacity network for government services that
will provide channels for delivering government electronic information
within geographically dispersed ministry and for inter-ministry
communications. The network to be set up will have 155-620 Mbps backbone
to all provinces, with several 2 Mbps links to every district. The basic
network serviced is part of the plan to computerize Thai government with
IT applications on top of this network.
A quasi-government unit named Government Information Technology
Service(GITS) will be established to initiate and manage all of GINet
activities and applications of Ginet.. GITS will act as a contract
manager to provide network management and network backbone
infrastructures for government organizations.
In addition to the basic network service, GITS will be responsible for
(i) developing standards for government network which are necessary for
both intra-ministry and inter-ministry information sharing for various
applications; (ii) providing consultation services on the development
of information systems to various government; (iii) support the
development of standard generic government applications such as
budgeting, accounting, procurement; (iv) supporting development of
uniform standard for information systems development methodology. This is
crucial to the success of systems analysis, design, and implementation of
large scale information systems.
The present government sees GINet and GITS as the important keys towards
government reengineering and empowering the agencies to reform themselves
towards the slimmer but smarter government. The Prime Minister once said
on public television that he would stop building roads for a day or two
to funnel the money for making this important network.
Information Technology is seen as a very hot topic for the current
administration of Thailand. The recent approval of multi-billion baht
for three IT projects are atypical, and can be seen as a clear commitment
from the whole cabinet to focus on national competitiveness. With
several initiatives taking place, sooner or later, Thailand will be in a
position to promote its readiness as the economic center with great IT
supporting facilities.
All of the national projects are complemantary to one another and are
architected along the IT-2000 national IT policy and the Eight NESD
plan. With strong fundamental support from the National Scientific and
Technology Development Bill of 2534 (1991), NECTEC has been appointed to
handle the project management tasks for a few of the projects due to its
flexibility in employing highly competitive staff, which are the keys to
the success in most, if not all, of the projects here.
It is anticipated that, with IT initiatives, economic recovery of
Thailand may be brought forward through Thailand's